Census 2021

Registered residence

The proportion of inhabitants who had registered their residence in the municipality of usual residence was 92.0%. A further 3.3% of the population had registered their residence in a region other than the region of their usual residence. The share of inhabitants whose registered residence was in another municipality of the county was 2.7% and the proportion of inhabitants whose registered residence was in another county of the region was 1.6%

According to the 2021 Census, 95.0% of the population had the permanent residence of a citizen of the Czech Republic. Another 2.5% had the permanent residence of a foreigner and 2.2% had the long-term residence of a foreigner. 0.3% of the population had no registered residence.

by usual residence

Czech Republic

Year of Census

Total population

by place of registered residence

in municipality of
usual residence
in another
municipality of
in another district of
in another region without registered


10 436 560 9 827 674 199 786 108 130 250 526 50 444


10 524 167 9 686 004 288 463 168 565 344 716 36 419

The share of the population with registered residence in the municipality of usual residence ranged from a low of 88.8% in the Středočeský Region to a high of 94.7% in the Moravskoslezský Region. The representation of persons with registered residence in another municipality of the region was highest in the Karlovarský Region (3.9%) and lowest in the Jihomoravský Region (2.1%). Among the regions, the Plzeňský Region stood out with a higher share of persons with registered residence in another district of the region (3.5%) and the Capital City of Prague and the Středočeský Region with a significantly higher share of persons with registered residence in another district (8.2% and 6.0% respectively).

The Olomoucký Region had the highest proportion of inhabitants with permanent residence of a citizen of the Czech Republic (98.2%), while the Capital City of Prague had the lowest (85.3%). The Capital City of Prague had the highest proportion of inhabitants with permanent residence of a foreigner among the remaining three categories: 7.0%, 6.6% and 1.0% of inhabitants without registered residence.

Persons without citizenship included.

"Long-term residence of foreigner" includes third-country nationals with temporary residence in the territory of the Czech Republic based on a long-term visa (over 90 days) or a permanent residence permit, nationals of the EU Member States, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and their dependants with notified temporary residence in the territory of the Czech Republic and foreigners with valid asylum status in the Czech Republic.

State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part

ULK ZLK VYS STČ PHA PLK PAK OLK MSK LBK HKK KVK JHM JHČ Počet mužů na 100 žen (index maskulinity) 94,0 97,7 99,0
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