Census 2021

Language (Mother tongue)

Almost 9 million people (92.1 % of the population) identified Czech as their mother tongue and 16.5 thousand (0.2 %) identified Moravian language as their mother tongue. Among the foreign mother tongues, Slovak was the most frequently declared mother tongue, with over 150 thousand people declaring it (1.5 %). The second most frequently reported foreign language was Ukrainian, declared by almost 90 thousand inhabitants (0.9 %). Slightly more than 4 thousand inhabitants declared Roma language and almost 1.5 thousand inhabitants declared sign language.
(Note: The data include only persons with one mother tongue listed.)

1) includes only persons with one mother tongue

in 1991 and 2001 by permanent residence, in 2011 and 2021 by usual residence

Czech Republic

Year of the Census

Total population

by mother tongue1)












not identified


10 302 215 9 871 518 . 239 355 52 362 40 907 24 294 . 4 882 . 20 260 . 29 655


10 230 060 9 707 397 . 208 723 50 738 41 328 23 211 18 746 . . . 3 791 76 868


10 436 560 9 263 300 62 908 154 465 33 597 14 148 4 919 31 622 48 250 30 830 9 286 7 202 464 056


10 524 167 8 996 475 16 523 150 738 30 183 10 151 4 280 59 560 88 873 43 822 8 533 13 997 759 394

1) includes only persons with one mother tongue

Czech was the predominant mother tongue in all regions, with the lowest proportion of the population in the Capital City of Prague (82.5 %) and the highest proportion of the population in the Vysočina region (96.7 %). A higher share of the population reporting Moravian as their mother tongue was in the regions Jihomoravský (0.8%), Zlínský (0.6 %) and Olomoucký (0.5 %). The representation by 2 or more percent was Russian language in the Capital City of Prague (2.8 %), Ukrainian language in the Capital City of Prague (2.6 %) and Slovak language in the Capital City of Prague (2.5 %).
(Note: The data include only persons with one mother tongue listed.)

Particular mother tongues include persons who stated only one mother tongue.

by usual residence

Census 2021

Mother tongue

Population by stated mother tongue


in combination with
another mother tongue1)



8 996 475 217 512 9 213 987


16 523 12 124 28 647


150 738 74 508 225 246


30 183 19 486 49 669


10 151 21 605 31 756


4 280 23 822 28 102


59 560 36 801 96 361


88 873 34 865 123 738


43 822 13 586 57 408


8 533 6 131 14 664


13 997 16 481 30 478

1) persons who stated two mother tongues are included in both mother tongues

State, Cohesion Region, Region, District, Administrative district of municipality with extended powers, Administrative district of the capital city of Praha, Municipality, City part

ULK ZLK VYS STČ PHA PLK PAK OLK MSK LBK HKK KVK JHM JHČ Počet mužů na 100 žen (index maskulinity) 94,0 97,7 99,0
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