Statistická ročenka Moravskoslezského kraje 2003




Act No. 314/2002 Coll., of 13 June 2002, which took effect on 1 January 2003, laid down a list of municipalities with extended competence and municipalities with commissioned local authority. In connection with this Act, the Ministry of the Interior of the CR established administrative districts of these municipalities by its Decree No. 388/2002, which completed one of the stages of the public administration reform.

Table 13-1. shows a list of the administrative districts of the municipalities with extended competence and the municipalities with commissioned local authority established in the region. It gives numbers of municipalities belonging to the administrative districts and areas of the districts, and population. The population derived from the Population and Housing Census 2001 is the number of persons recorded for permanent residence in a municipality of the administrative district. Foreigners with long-term stays (over 90 days) on the territory concerned are also included in the number for 2001. The presented data are converted to correspond to the territorial structure in force as at 31 December 2002. The other tables give selected data on the administrative districts of municipalities with extended competence obtained by summarizing data on individual municipalities. The data on the number of job applicants were provided by the employment offices established in the districts. The registered unemployment rate was calculated as the ratio of the number of job applicants as at 31 December of the year concerned and the number of economically active persons established by the Population and Housing Census 2001. Information on the facilities in the municipalities was acquired by the territorial method (including detached workplaces) disregarding the head office of the operator. The municipality is considered to be equipped with facilities, if the facilities measured are provided in at least one of its parts. The number of businesses includes businesses, which have their head offices on the territory concerned (not only their plants) and are active (the CZSO has no information on their inactivity).

The town is a municipality, which was granted the status of town pursuant to the Act on Municipalities. The tables give overviews on towns in regions, arranged in alphabetical order.

Basic demographic data covering last three years are given for each of the towns. The data are obtained from reports of births, deaths and migration. Listed are also the age distribution of population in towns, selected types of technical and public infrastructure of towns (including detached workplaces), and the number of enterprises having their head offices in the towns. All these data (and many more) are included in the database of statistics on municipalities and towns.

The municipality is a basic territorial self-governing community of citizens. It makes up a territorial unit delimitated by borders. Table 13-16. gives selected data on individual municipalities pooled together to make administrative districts of municipalities with extended competence. This territorial structure takes effect from 1 January 2003. The figure in the brackets following the name of the administrative district is an official numerical code corresponding to the CZSO codebook.