Gender: Education - Methodology


A vast majority of data in this chapter was received from sources of a unit performing the State Statistical Service under the competence of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MEYS).

The number of children, pupils, and students of nursery schools up to higher professional schools is kept in the Statistical yearbook of education for a school year. A school year starts on 1 September and ends on 31 August of the following calendar year. As regards children and pupils of nursery schools, basic schools, and secondary schools, and pupils of conservatoires it is reported according to the status as at 30 September; the numbers of students of higher professional schools are kept according to the status as at 31 October.

The number of graduates from secondary schools, conservatoires, and higher professional schools and the number of pupils who passed from a basic school to a secondary school or who finished their compulsory school education is a total for a given school year.

Data from the system of the Union Information from Students’ Registers (the SIMS database), presented as data for a calendar year, are as for the number of students according to the status as at 31 December of a given year; the data on students enrolled for the first time and on graduates are a total for a calendar year. The source SIMS database is continually completed and updated, including retrospective corrections; the data presented in this yearbook refer to the state of processing as at 21 January 2022.