Gender: Demography - Methodology


The definition of a live birth is stipulated in Decree 11/1988 of the Ministry of Health of the CR: a live-born child is a child who gives a sign of life (respiration, heartbeat, umbilicus pulsation, active movement of muscles) and whose birth weight is 500 g or more, or whose birth is below 500 g if it survives 24 hours after delivery. A stillborn child is a child not showing any signs of life, whose birth weight is 1 000 g or more.

The abortion is termination of pregnancy, in which
a) the foetus does not show any sign of life and its birth weight is below 1,000 g or cannot be measured, if the pregnancy takes less than 28 weeks,
b) the foetus shows at least one of the signs of life and its birth weight is below 500 g, but it does not live longer than 24 hours after delivery,
c) the foetal egg without a foetus or gestational decidua is removed out of the female's uterus.

- the number of children born live to women of a given age per 1 000 women of the same age.

- the average number of live-born children per 1 woman aged 15-49 years, provided that fertility rates by age in the given calendar year remain unchanged.

- the number of abortions (all types) in the given age of women per 1 000 women of the same age.

- the average number of abortions per 1 woman aged 15-49 years provided that abortion rates in the given calendar year remain unchanged.

Life expectancy is derived from life tables compiled on the basis of age-specific mortality rates in the initial year. Life expectancy at x-years means the additional number of years to be lived by man or woman surviving to exact age x (given the mortality conditions of the table). The average age at death is then determined by adding the age of x years to the life expectancy. Life expectancy should never be confused with the average age of population.


Household: relatives living together.
Complete family household: a married couple (or a common-law husband and a common-law wife) with children or without them.
Incomplete family household: a single parent with at least one child.
Multi-person non-family household: two or more persons that are relatives or not, who are on common budget.
Single-person household: a single person.
Head of household: in a complete family always the husband (common-law husband) regardless who is the user of the dwelling; in incomplete families of two generations always a parent; in three-generation families a member of the middle generation; in multi-person non-family households a person, who was marked as a head of household on common budget.
Dependent children: persons aged 0-25 years, who are economically inactive and live at least with one of the parents.
Economically active: employed persons or unemployed.

Information on households and families resulted from the sample surveys: LFSS and SILC 2005 and cannot be compared with results of Population and Housing Census.