Focus on Women and Men - 2010

Results from sociological researches and surveys
A CZSO data - ad hoc modul LFSS 2010
Table 1: Number of persons providing care by type of the care Excel PDF
Table 2: Formal educational attainment of respondents caring for his/her own child in the household by age of the youngest child up to 14 years Excel PDF
Table 3: How childcare organisation services are missing in care for the youngest child by the child age and influence on work activities (thousand) Excel PDF
B Data from researches of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic
Trends in Social and Political Mechanisms Influencing Gender Relations Word PDF
C Data from Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic
Prevalence of selected chronical disasesduring the last 12 moths Excel PDF
Visits of respondents to a physician-specialist by sex and age Excel PDF
Visits to a general practitioner by sex and age Excel PDF
Visits to a dentist by sex and age Excel PDF
Respondents with at least daily consumption of fruit, vegetables and juices by sex and age (%) Excel
Respondents who consume fruit, vegetables and juices less than once a week or never by sex and age (%) Excel
Percentage of abstainers and daily alcohol consumers by sex and age (%) Excel

Published: 30.12.2011
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.