Differences in the Mortality Rate between Urban and Rural Areas: Location as a Differentiation Factor


Pavol Ďurček, Lenka Gašparová
Demografie, 64(1): 3–23


The main aim of the paper is to compare the mortality rate of urban and rural areas of the Slovak Republic in three time periods: 1971–1975, 1988–1992, and 2015–2019. The urban areas here are represented by the centres of functional commuter regions defined in the work of Halás et al. (2012). The rural areas are the hinterlands of these centres. Methodologically the analysis is based on the concept of relative regional differentiation. Basic measures of variability are used to monitor the overall and component unevenness of the standardised crude mortality rates. The most important findings of our study are the answers to our hypothetical questions. While the hypothesis was confirmed for the periods 1971–1975 and 1988–1992, the results did not confirm the validity of the hypothesis for the period 2015–2019. Using a regression analysis, we found that the spatial picture of the intensity of mortality did not change much between the 1970s and the present. The results of the regression analysis also show a difference in the intensity of mortality between the north and the south of the Slovak Republic.


mortality, city, countryside, differentiation, location, regression analysis

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