Renovation and reduction of energy consumption of the Cadastral Office for Zlín Region building



Project Renovace a snížení energetické náročnosti objektu Katastrálního úřadu pro Zlínský kraj“, Reg. No. CZ.05.5.18/0.0/0.0/18_100/0008614, is realised in the building of the Cadastral office for Zlín region and regional workplace of Czech Statistical Office (hereafter only “CZSO”), situated in the city centre on the street třída Tomáše Bati, in the territory that is a monument zone. The main function of the building, which dates back to the 1970s, is administrative. The major part of the building is used as office spaces and communication corridors, only in the basement of the building there are storage and technical spaces and garage spaces.

The project objective is the implementation of complex energy-saving measures, including the aspects of heating, lighting, hot and cold water consumption and others, which will be reflected in long-term operating cost savings. The subject of the support is the reduction of the energy demand of the building of the Cadastral Office for the Zlín region using the EPC (Energy Performance Contracting) method[1] modified for the state administration.

In total of eligible expenses, 50 % of the support is expected from the environmental operational program, another 45 % from the resources of program Nová zelená úsporám and 5% bonus for implementation using the EPC method. In the non-eligible expenses are expected the costs to the secondary construction works, such as an emergence of retreating walls on the fourth floor and demolition of the leeward, glass awning structure at the main entrance and above the garage doors etc. Part of non-eligible expenses consumes cooling system. The total amount of non-eligible expenses is assumed around 24 mil. CZK.

Project duration: 31. 07. 2020 – 31. 12. 2023 (41 months)

Total project budget: 59 641 401,83 CZK

Total eligible expenses: 28 522 071,22 CZK
Environmental Operational program: 15 687 139,17 CZK
Program Nová zelená úsporám: 12 834 932,05 CZK

Total non-eligible expenses: 31 119 330,61 CZK
CZSO expenses:
7 157 446,04 CZK

This project is co-financed by the European Union - Cohesion Fund within the Operational Program Environment.

Target group: organizational units of the state

Operational programme: Environmental Operational Programme

Directing authority: Ministry of the Environment

Intermediary authority: State Environmental Fund

Priority axis: 5 Energy savings

Specific target: SC 5.1 Reduce the energy demand of public buildings and increase the use of renewable energy sources

Call: 05_18_100 Výzva Ministerstva životního prostředí k podávání žádostí o poskytnutí podporyrámciOperačního programu Životní prostředí 2014–2020podporovaných z Fondu soudržnosti

Grant beneficiary: Cadastral Office for Zlín Region


[1] The EPC method can be characterized as guaranteeing an anticipated reduction in energy consumption, which will be reflected in operating cost savings, used (in the case of the unmodified variant) to repay the initial investment. The EPC method was introduced in the Czech Republic in 1992.