New special joint Czech-Polish issue of Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal No. 3/2022 just published


16. September 2022



Joanna Dębicka, Edyta Mazurek, Katarzyna Ostasiewicz:

Methodological Aspects of Measuring Preferences Using the Rank and Thurstone Scale

Jaroslav Horníček, Hana Řezanková:
Missing Data Imputation for Categorical Variables

Joanna Dębicka, Stanisław Heilpern, Agnieszka Marciniuk:
Modelling Marital Reverse Annuity Contract in a Stochastic Economic Environment

Piotr Sulewski, Jacek Białek:
Probability Distribution Modeling of Scanner Prices and Relative Prices

Jiří Novák:
Population Census Microdata Availability

Joanna Adrianowska:
Selected Coefficients of Demographic Old Age in Traditional and Potential Terms on the Example of Poland and Czechia


Jakub Vincenc:
Fisim Methodology and Options of Its Estimation: the Case of the Czech Republic


The full online version of the journal Statistika is available in pdf format (free to download) on the CZSO website, printed version can be purchased in the publications store of the CZSO in Prague.


Statistika: Statistics and Econony Journal
Jiří Novotný – Managing Editor

  • en_avizo_statistika_2022_3.docx