Farm Structure Survey – Regions - 2016

Holdings of natural persons, total
Tab. 3.1 Labour force in agriculture, total Excel PDF
Tab. 3.2 Labour force in agriculture - AWU, total Excel PDF
Tab. 4 Labour regularly employed by age groups Excel PDF
Tab. 5.1 Labour regularly employed by hours worked Excel PDF
Tab. 5.2 Labour reguraly employed by hours worked - AWU Excel PDF
Tab. 9 Land use Excel PDF
Tab. 10.1 Arable land use - cereals, pulses Excel PDF
Tab. 10.2 Arable land use - root crops, industrial crops Excel PDF
Tab. 10.3 Arable land use - plants harvested green, other crops Excel PDF
Tab. 11 Utilised agricultural area Excel PDF
Tab. 12 Area of land, total Excel PDF
Tab. 18.1 Livestock - cattle Excel PDF
Tab. 18.3 Livestock - pigs, sheep, goats Excel PDF

Published: 15.12.2017
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.