Foreigners in the Czech Republic - 2020

6. Health care for foreigners
Methodology, trends PDF
6-1 Development of utilization of health care by foreigners Excel PDF
6-2a Utilization of health care by foreigners - Foreigners by country of origin, age group and source of payment - Regions Excel PDF
6-2b Utilization of health care by foreigners - Foreigners by Region, age group and source of payment Excel PDF
6-3a Utilization of health care by foreigners - Total costs of health care by country of origin, age group and source of payment - Regions Excel PDF
6-3b Utilization of health care by foreigners - Total costs of health care by Region, age group and source of payment Excel PDF
6-4 Foreigners treated in hospitals by cause of hospitalization Excel PDF
6-5 Abortions in female foreigners by type of abortion and method Excel PDF
6-6 Abortions in female foreigners by type of abortion and place of residence Excel PDF
6-7 New notified TB cases by the patient's country of birth Excel PDF

Development of utilization of health care by foreigners in hospitals in the Czech Republic JPG

Published: 13.12.2021
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.