Basic Demographic Indicators for Selected Towns of the Czech Republic


Introductory note


The Czech Statistical Offices publishes for each year after the formation of the Czechoslovak Republic a publication presenting a wide range of the most important demographic data. These publications called The movement of population of the Republic of Czechoslovakia (the Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic, Czech Socialistic Republic, Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, Czech Republic) for the relevant year, during the period of the Protectorate The movement of population for the relevant year and since this year The demographic Yearbook of the Czech Republic for the relevant year (hereafter only source publication) presented always a table with basic demographic data not only for the whole republic but also for the partial territories and hence for selected towns. In 1919 – 1949 it concerned mainly data on natural movement of the population called An overview of natural change of population. Since 1950 the table was called An overview of population movement and above all included data on mechanical (migration) movement of population. For 1950 – 1952 the mechanical movement is observed only for regional cities of that time, since 1953 for all selected cities. Data on divorces and separations were for 1919-1927 in the above-mentioned table. For 1928-1940 these data were in a separate table Legitimisation of illegitimate children, marriages legally divorced, separated and declared void, while data for some of the cities were not given in all of the years.

This publication summarizes all available data on cities for which data were presented in the source publications in the long-term and provides interested persons a well-arranged source of data for further universal use.