Incapacity for Work due to Disease or Injury in the Czech Republic - half 1

Vysočina region
Tab. 89 Incapacity for work due to disease or injury – absolute data, number of cases per 100 sickness insured persons Excel
Tab. 90 Incapacity for work due to disease or injury – relative data Excel
Tab. 91 Female incapacity for work due to disease or injury – female occupational diseases - absolute data, cases per 100 women Excel
Tab. 92 Female incapacity for work due to disease or injury – relative data Excel
Tab. 93 Rate of juvenile occupational injuries Excel
Tab. 94 Fatal occupational injuries, occupational injuries resulting in incapacity for work exceeding 3 days, occupational injuries without incapacity for work and occupational diseases Excel
Tab. 95 Company preventive health care and hazardous work, compensation and additional premiums – relative data Excel
Tab. 96 Compensation and additional premiums – absolute data Excel

Published: 31.10.2009
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.