Agrocensus 2010 regions - Farm Structure Survey and Survey on Agricultural Production Methods - 2010

Holdings of natural persons
Tab. 5.1. Labour force in agriculture, total Excel PDF
Tab. 5.2. Labour force in agriculture - AWU, total Excel PDF
Tab. 6. Labour regularly employed by age groups Excel PDF
Tab. 7.1. Labour regularly employed by hours worked Excel PDF
Tab. 7.2. Labour regularly employed by hours worked - AWU Excel PDF
Tab. 11. Land use Excel PDF
Tab. 15.1. Arable land use - cereals, pulses Excel PDF
Tab. 15.2. Arable land use - root crops, industrial crops Excel PDF
Tab. 15.3. Arable land use - arable fodder crops Excel PDF
Tab. 15.4. Arable land use - other crops Excel PDF
Tab. 16. Utilised agricultural area Excel PDF
Tab. 17. Area of land, total Excel PDF
Tab. 19.1. Livestock - cattle Excel PDF
Tab. 19.2. Livestock - pigs, sheep Excel PDF
Tab. 19.3. Livestock - goats, horses Excel PDF
Tab. 19.4. Livestock - poultry Excel PDF
Tab. 19.5. Livestock - other animals Excel PDF
Tab. 27.1. Machinery and equipment - part I Excel PDF
Tab. 27.2. Machinery and equipment - part II Excel PDF
Tab. 27.3. Machinery and equipment - part III Excel PDF

Published: 31.10.2011
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.