Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic - 2006

Methodology PDF
12- 1. Organizational structure of the national economy for businesses and statistical enterprise-type units: by territory and selected legal form, 31 December 2005 Excel
12- 2. Businesses: numbers, by selected legal form, 31 December Excel
12- 3. Statistical enterprise-type units: by selected legal form, 31 December Excel
12- 4. Organizational structure of the national economy: by principal activity and selected legal form, 31 December 2005 Excel
12- 5. Legal persons: by principal activity, 31 December Excel
12- 6. Natural persons: by principal activity, 31 December Excel
12- 7. Legal persons: by selected legal form, 31 December Excel
12- 8. Organizational structure of the national economy: businesses by group of institutional sectors, 31 December Excel
12- 9. Selected legal persons: by institutional sector, 31 December 2005 Excel
12-10. Organizational structure of the national economy: businesses by institutional sector and principal activity, 31 December 2005 Excel
12-11. Organizational structure of the national economy: businesses by institutional sector and territory, 31 December 2005 Excel
12-12. Births and deaths of businesses: by principal activity Excel
12-13. Organizational structure of the national economy: by size of businesses and principal activity, 31 December Excel
12-14. Organizational structure of the national economy: by size of business and institutional sector, 31 December Excel
12-15. Organizational structure of the national economy: businesses by institutional sector, 31 December Excel

Published: 30.11.2006
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.