Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic


Selected indicators on areas and regions - methodology

Pursuant to constitutional Act No. 347/1997 Coll., on the Establishment of Higher Territorial Self-Governing Units, of 3 December 1997, the Czech Republic was split into 14 regions (NUTS 3) on 1 January 2000. In accordance with this Act, the Resolution of Czech Republic’s Government No. 707/1998 and Article 19 (1) of Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service, and subsequent to the agreement with the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat), the Czech Statistical Office put into use the Classification of Territorial Statistical Units for Statistics (CZ-NUTS) which supersedes the Nomenclature of Regions and Districts used before.

The NUTS classification (La Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques) is a fundamental systematic tool for the needs of statistics, analyses and provision of statistical information to the European Union. It is used for statistical monitoring and analyses of social and economic conditions in the regions (NUTS 3), as well as for drawing up, implementing and evaluating regional policies. Since 1998, the classification has been used in the EU legislation at the NUTS 2 level, especially for tasks tied with drawing resources from the so-called Structural Funds of the EU.

The classification has six levels (NUTS 0 to 5) which represent size groups and are characterized by population and area.

NUTS 0 ... refers to the state of the Czech Republic;
NUTS 1 ... refers to the territory of the Czech Republic;
NUTS 2 ... refers to areas, i.e. to 8 groupings of NUTS 3 regions;
NUTS 3 ... refers to regions, i.e. to 14 higher territorial self-governing units;
NUTS 4 ... refers to districts, i.e. to 76 districts and 15 districts of Prague;
NUTS 5 ... refers to municipalities, i.e. to 6 249 municipalities.

As the average size of regions (NUTS 3) is 2.5 times and 4 times smaller in population and area in comparison with the NUTS 2 average for the EU, respectively, it was necessary to establish ‘groupings of regions’ at the level of NUTS 2, referred to as ‘areas’, so that data for the areas in the CR would be comparable with those for areas at the same level in the EU. The population in these territorial units (NUTS 2) exceeds 1 million.

Summary of ‘areas’ (NUTS 2) and ‘regions’ (NUTS 3):

NUTS 2                       NUTS 3

Praha                         Hl. m. Praha Region (PHA)

Střední Čechy            Středočeský Region (STČ)

Jihozápad                  Jihočeský Region (JHČ)
                                   Plzeňský Region (PLK)

Severozápad             Karlovarský Region (KVK)
                                  Ústecký Region (ULK)

Severovýchod            Liberecký Region (LBK)
                                  Královéhradecký Region (HKK)
                                  Pardubický Region (PAK)

Jihovýchod                Vysočina Region (VYS)
                                  Jihomoravský Region (JHM)

Střední Morava          Olomoucký Region (OLK)
                                  Zlínský Region (ZLK)

Moravskoslezsko       Moravskoslezský Region (MSK)

            In 2000 the first stage of the reform of the territorial public administration took place along with the rise of 14 higher territorial self-governing units (administrative regions). The end of the year 2002 saw the implementation of the second stage of the reform. The aim of the second reform stage was to terminate the operation of the district offices as at 31 December 2002. A major part of the powers of the districts was delegated to 205 municipalities with extended powers and these started their activities on 1 January 2003. The municipalities were defined by Act No. 314/2002 Coll., on Providing for Municipalities with Authorized Municipal Office and on Providing for Municipalities with Extended Powers. The Ministry of the Interior of the CR provided for administrative districts of the municipalities with extended powers by its Decree No. 388/2002 Coll.

Notes on tables

            The released figures are produced from CZSO surveys, unless another source is given.

Data sources:

Unemployment: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the CR;

Land: Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre;

Education: Institute for Information on Education and the Ministry of Finance of the CR (PVT a.s. Hradec Králové – Final Account reports).

Current expenditure per pupil (CZK) – methodology of the Institute for Information on Education used for expenditure calculations: the number of pupils in a school year = the number of pupils in initial (or full-time) study + 1/3 of the number of pupils in the other forms of study (or in distance and combined studies).

Full-time equivalent number of pupils in calendar year = 2/3 of the number of pupils in school year that ends in given calendar year + 1/3 of the number of pupils in the school year that begins in a given calendar year.

Expenditures on education = current (non-investment) expenditure from the budget of Chapter 700-Municipalities and voluntary unions of municipalities, regional offices.

Health: Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the CR;

Social security: Czech Social Security Administration
‘old-age pension, total’ = full old-age pension + early old-age pension (by two years) + early old-age pension (by three years) + old-age pension (under Act No. 155/1995 Coll., articles 29 (a), 30, 31 and 29 (b), respectively).

Only pension recipients in the Czech Republic are included (pensions to non-residents and ‘other pensions’ are excluded - ‘other pensions’ are paid by transfer, not in cash, and 90% of them goes to homes for children and social care institutions.

The data are comparable with those published in the statistical yearbooks of previous years.

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More detailed data are available in the regional statistical yearbooks brought out according to the CZSO Catalogue of Publication 2005 in the 4th quarter of 2005 and in other regional publications of the CZSO.