Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic - 2005

National accounts - methodology
5- 1. Goods and services account Excel
5- 2. Goods and services account: trends at constant prices Excel
5-3. Output: by economic activity Excel
5-4. Gross value added: by economic activity Excel
5-5. Final consumption Excel
5-6. Income components of gross domestic product: by sector Excel
5-7. Income and current expenditure: by sector Excel
5-8. Capital and financial transactions: by sector Excel
5-9. Primary income Excel
5-10. Secondary income Excel
5-11. Financial transactions: assets Excel
5-12. Financial transactions: liabilities Excel
5-13. Financial assets: 31 December Excel
5-14. Financial liabilities: 31 December Excel
5-15. Structure of net worth: residents, 31 December Excel
5-16. Net worth: by group of sectors Excel
5-17. Changes in the net financial position of the CR in relation to the ROW Excel
5-18. Government deficit Excel
5-19. Government debt: 31 December Excel
5-20. Gross fixed capital formation: by economic activity Excel
5-21. Balance of fixed capital: by economic activity Excel
5-22. Balance of inventories: by economic activity Excel
5-23. Balance of tangible non-produced assets: by economic activity Excel
5-24. Fixed assets: by economic activity, 31 December Excel
5-25.Input-output table: supply table, 2002 Excel
5-26. Input-output table: use table, 2003 Excel
Graphs GIF

Published: 30.11.2005
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.