NUMERI PRAGENSES - Statistical Yearbook of Prague - 2010

Methodology PDF
11-1. Summary of data on agriculture Excel
11-2. Areas under farm crops: as at 31 May Excel
11-3. Harvest of farm crops Excel
11-4. Farm crops harvested: yields per hectare Excel
11-5. Fruit trees and harvest of fruit Excel
11-6. Livestock and livestock yields Excel
11-7. Meat production: in terms of carcass weight Excel
11-101. Harvest of selected farm crops: by region, 2009 Excel
11-102. Selected farm crops harvested: yields per hectare, by region, 2009 Excel
11-103. Fruit trees and harvest of fruit in agricultural holdings: by region, 2009 Excel
11-104. Livestock: by region, 1 April 2010 Excel
11-105. Livestock farming intensity: by region, 2009 Excel
11-106. Livestock yields: by region, 2009 Excel
11-107. Meat production: in terms of carcass weight, by region, 2009 Excel
11-108. Average live weight of livestock for slaughter: by region, 2009 Excel
11-109. Size structure of agricultural holdings: by region, 2009 Excel

Published: 28.12.2010
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.