Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic - 2008

24-1. Average numbers of the sickness insured Excel
24-2. Average numbers of the sickness insured: by region, 2007 Excel
24-3. Expenditures on sickness insurance benefits: by group of persons Excel
24-4. Expenditures on sickness insurance benefits: by group of persons and type of benefits Excel
24-5. Expenditures on sickness insurance benefits: by type of benefits and region, 2007 Excel
24-6. Pensions and pension insurance benefits paid Excel
24-7. Average monthly amount of pension: 31 December Excel
24-8. Numbers of new pensions granted Excel
24-9. Average monthly amounts of new pensions granted Excel
24-10. Recipients of pension insurance benefits: 31 December 2007 Excel
24-11. State social support benefits paid Excel
24-12. State social support benefits paid: by region, 2007 Excel
24-13. Social service establishments: 31 December Excel
24-14. Capacity of social service establishments: 31 December Excel
24-15. Homes for seniors: by region, 31 December 2007 Excel
24-16. Home care service Excel
24-17 Expenditures on social protection: by Core system of ESSPROS Excel
Graphs JPG

Published: 19.11.2008
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.