Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic - 2013

Methodology Word PDF
31-1. Housing and dwelling stock, dwelling households, private households by type and way of housing according to results of population censuses in 1970–2011 Excel
31-2. Housing stock by municipality size group and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-3. Occupied houses by house owner, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-4. Occupied dwellings by type of dwelling, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-5. Occupied dwellings by legal grounds for use of dwelling, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-6. Occupied dwellings by number of habitable rooms, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-7. Housing and dwelling stock by region and district as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-8. Private households by type, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-9. Private households by number of members, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-10. Private households by way of housing, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-11. Private households composed of 1 two-parent family by number of dependent children, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-12. Private households composed of 1 lone-parent family by sex of person in the head of household, municipality size group, and region as at 26 March 2011 Excel
31-13. Private households by type, region, and district as at 26 March 2011 Excel
Graphs PDF

Published: 20.11.2013
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.