Conference Venue

The conference will take place in the Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies headquarters (ČSVTS) on Novotného lávka in the historical centre of Prague.

Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies, Novotného lávka 5 , 116 68 Prague 1

Conference room no. 217 on the 2nd floor
Technical equipment of the room: Wi-Fi network “saly”, plasma TVs, 5 free notebooks with internet connection

Transport to the conference venue

Before your visit to Prague in October, you can enjoy a virtual tour from Novotného lávka at:


The Pre-conference (EFGS Geostat 1B project meeting) will be held in the Czech Statistical Office headquarters, Na padesátém 3268/81, Prague 10. The CZSO (an eleven-storeyed gray building ) is located 200 m from the “Skalka” Metro station on the green line A.

Zoom map