Redesign of the Statistical Information System following the implementation of eGovernment in the CR


“Redesign of the Statistical Information System following the implementation of eGovernment in the CR” is a large project of the Czech Statistical Office with the aim to make many important changes in the statistical system. Both reporting units and users of statistical information will benefit from the changes. Modifications of the system will have major influence also on the way data are processed in the Czech Statistical Office.

The main purpose of the project is to enhance effectiveness of the entire system of work with data. Changes are made already at distribution of statistical forms; electronic forms are easier to fill in. A respondent can fill in the form directly on the CZSO website or, as a novelty, via sent electronic PDF forms (PDF forms that can be filled in). Further changes focus on better accessibility of statistical information and an offer of tailor-made user outputs. These changes entail more comfortable and faster functioning of the public service provided by the Czech Statistical Office.

First outputs of the project were available already in January 2013, when a summary announcement about a reporting duty was sent for the first time. At the same time, electronic PDF forms were distributed to data boxes or e-mail addresses. Concurrently with that, the forms will be also available at the website devoted to respondents:

The project shall also improve services for users of statistical information; especially enhance quality and scope of offered information via the Public database.

Works on the project are to be finished in mid-2014. Individual tools will be available gradually, depending on the schedule of individual tasks fulfilment.

The project is financed from European structural funds and co-financed by the state budget of the Czech Republic (15%).