
98th DGINS Conference
Guidelines for authors
The CES scheme in practice

Tentative Programme

24 September 2012

13:00 - 14:00 Registration of participants
DGINS Conference Day 1: Opening
Ms Iva Ritschelová, President of the Czech Statistical Office
Mr Walter Radermacher, Director General of Eurostat
Mr Edvard Outrata, member of Czech Statistical Council, former President of the Czech Statistical Office
15:00 - 17:30 DGINS session I (Internal ESS matters: Labelling of European statistics and access to micro-data)
Coffee break
DGINS session I - continuation
End foreseen before 18:00
Evening Welcome Reception

25 September 2012

09:00 - 09:30 DGINS Conference Day 2: General Opening
Ms Iva Ritschelová, President of the Czech Statistical Office
Mr Walter Radermacher, Director General of Eurostat
Mr Bedřich Moldan, member of the Czech Statistical Council, Director of the Charles University Environment Centre
09:30 - 12:30 DGINS session II (“Meeting new needs on statistics for green economy”)
Coffee break
DGINS session II - continuation
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break (Pilsner Restaurant, Municipal House)
14:00 - 17:30 DGINS session III (“Coordination of statistics and geospatial information”)
Coffee break
DGINS session III - continuation
End foreseen before 18:30
Evening National Evening

14 th ESSC Meeting

26 September 2012
09:00 - 12:30 14th ESSC Meeting
14:00 Partnership Group meeting