Gender: Transport - Methodology


Agenda of Drivers

Agenda of drivers is governed by the following sources of law. They are, on the one hand, international treaties, specifically the Convention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 19 September 1949) and (Vienna, 8 November 1968). The main purpose of these Conventions is to increase road traffic safety and facilitate international road transport. Conventions implement several tools for this purpose, the most important of them is the unification of rules and conditions within the road traffic.

Another legal standard that regulates the field of drivers within the European area is the Directive 126/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. This sets out in detail the scope of the driving competency, the requirements for professional and medical qualifications to drive motor vehicles, any restrictions on the driving competency, etc.

The legislation of the Czech Republic that regulates the area of driving licences and driving competencies is Act No. 36/2000 Coll., on Road Traffic and Amendments to Certain Acts (Road Traffic Act), as amended, and Decree No. 31/ 2001 Coll., on driving licenses and the register of drivers.

The mentioned Road Traffic Act further establishes the rules of road traffic and the associated facts of offenses in case of violation of the given rules, at the same time defines the sanctions for individual offenses and, further regulates the penalty point rating of driver. In general, it is possible to announce that the point evaluation shows the repeated offenses by driver of a motor vehicle, or that the driver does not commit offenses or criminal acts in traffic on roads. Illegal committing against road traffic and the number of penalty points assigned to them are defined by the Road Traffic Act.

Points for motor vehicle drivers committing misdemeanors/criminal offenses that have been legally decided are counted, up to a maximum of 12 points. After reaching this point limit, the driver loses his driving competency for a period of one year - is not allowed to drive motor vehicles.

Not every driver must reach the twelve points limit. This means that the rules of road traffic are obeyed and driver does not commit any illegal committing, or if driver has already committed a pointable offense, but continues to drive correctly and does not commit road traffic offenses, 4 points are deducted at annual intervals, up to a limit of 0 points. Automatic deduction of points from 12 points is not possible, as this already results in the loss of the driving licence - see above. Specific data on the number of scored drivers you may found in the following tables.

For the sake of completeness, we state that approximately 7 million driving licence holders are registered in the Czech Republic, of which there are, for example, 1,547,091 group A (motorcycle) driving competency holders and 6 804 752 group B (passenger vehicle) holders. On 11/2022, 6 267 385 drivers had a valid driving licence.