Material flow accounts, (selected indicators) - 2016

Code: 280023-17
Information services: tel: 274 052 304
Contact: Ing. Mirka Valterová Tůmová

All data of the publication (0.6 MB) ZIP
Methodology Word PDF
Text Word PDF

Tables and graphs
Tab. 1 Used domestic extraction account Excel PDF
Graph 1 Domestic used extraction Excel PDF
Tab. 2 External trade account Excel PDF
Graph 2 Import and export by categories Excel PDF
Tab. 3 Selected indicators of material flows Excel PDF
Graph 3 Indicators DMI and DMC Excel PDF
Graph 4 Import and export Excel PDF
Tab. 4 Direct material input by material categories Excel PDF
Tab. 5 Domestic material consumption by material categories Excel PDF
Graph 5 Structure of DMI indicator Excel PDF
Graph 6 Structure of DMC indicator Excel PDF
Tab. 6 Physical trade balance account by material categories Excel PDF
Graph 7 Physical trade balance Excel PDF
Graph 8 Structure of physical import Excel PDF
Graph 9 Structure of physical export Excel PDF
Graph 10 Trend of DMI and DMC indicators Excel PDF
Graph 11 Material intensity Excel PDF
Graph 12 Material productivity Excel PDF

Annex 1 Renewable resources
Annex 1 Renewable resources (part 1) Excel PDF
Annex 1 Renewable resources (part 2) Excel PDF
Annex 1 Renewable resources (part 3) Excel PDF
Annex 1 Renewable resources (part 4) Excel PDF
Annex 2 Non-renewable resources
Annex 2 Non-renewable resources (part 1) Excel PDF
Annex 2 Non-renewable resources (part 2) Excel PDF
Annex 3 Import
Annex 3 Import (part 1) Excel PDF
Annex 3 Import (part 2) Excel PDF
Annex 3 Import (part 3) Excel PDF
Annex 3 Import (part 4) Excel PDF
Annex 4 Export
Annex 4 Export (part 1) Excel PDF
Annex 4 Export (part 2) Excel PDF
Annex 4 Export (part 3) Excel PDF
Annex 4 Export (part 4) Excel PDF
List of Abbreviations Word PDF
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Published: 29.12.2017
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.