Technical Innovations in the Czech Republic - 2002-2003

Code: e-9605-04
Information services: tel: 274 052 304
Contact: Infoservis

I. Enterprises with innovation activity
II. Comparison of selected indicators
III. Human sources
IV. Innovation expenditures
V. Innovation co-operation
VI. Impact of innovation on turnover of the enterprise
VII. Effects of innovations
VIII Factors hampering innovation activity
IX. Strategic and organisational changes
X. Summary

Tab. 1 Characteristics of the realised sample and the frame population Excel PDF
Tab. 2 Number and percentage share of innovating enterprises during 2002-2003Tab. 2 Počet a procentní podíl inovujících ekonomických subjektů Excel PDF
Tab. 3 Number and share of innovating enterprises in regions of CR Excel PDF
Tab. 4a The average lifetime of the innovating enterprise’s most important product Excel PDF
Tab. 4b The average lifetime of the non-innovating enterprise’s most important product Excel PDF
Tab. 5a The most important market for the innovating enterprises Excel PDF
Tab. 5b The most important market for the non- innovating enterprises Excel PDF
Tab. 6 Share of employees with higher education in innovating and non innovating enterprises in the year 2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 7 Intramural research & development of innovating active enterprises during 2002-2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 8 Development of the innovated products according to the subject in 2002-2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 9 Development of the innovated processes according to the subject in 2002-2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 10 Share of innovated products on the total turnover in 2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 11 Innovation expenditure in 2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 12 Innovation effects of enterprises in 2002-2003 in the Czech republic Excel PDF
Tab. 13 Financial support according to the provider in 2002-2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 14 Innovating enterprises involved in co-operation by region Excel PDF
Tab. 15 Innovation cooperation, importance of the cooperating partners in 2002-2003 in the Czech republic Excel PDF
Tab. 16 Importance of information sources for innovation Excel PDF
Tab. 17a Effect of factors hampering innovation activity for innovating enterprises Excel PDF
Tab. 17b Effect of factors hampering innovation activity for non-innovating enterprises Excel PDF
Tab. 18 Reasons for absence of innovation activity in 2002-2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 19 Hampered innovation activity during 2002-2003 for innovative enterprises Excel PDF
Tab. 20a Important strategic and organisational changes for innovating enterprises during 2002-2003 Excel PDF
Tab.20b Important strategic and organisational changes for non- innovating enterprises during 2002-2003 Excel PDF
Tab. 21 Implementing of new information and marketing systems in the enterprises in 2002-2003 Excel PDF

Published: 30.11.2004
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.