Czech Republic in International Comparison (Selected indicators) - 2022

Education, Culture, Health
7.1. Public expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP, Excel PDF
7.2. Percentage of females among teaching staff in public and private institutions Excel PDF
7.3. Ratio of students to teachers, by education level Excel PDF
7.4. Foreign languages studied, by education level (ISCED 1-3), 2020 Excel PDF
7.5. Average number of foreign languages studied per pupil Excel PDF
7.6. Female students (ISCED 5-8) by field of education, 2020 Excel PDF
7.7. Students of upper secondary education, 2020 Excel PDF
7.8. Students of tertiary education, 2020 Excel PDF
7.9. Lifelong learning – participation in education and training Excel PDF
7.10. Recreation and culture – share on total household consumption expenditure Excel PDF
7.11. Current expenditure on health as a percentage of GDP Excel PDF
7.12. Current expenditure on health per capita Excel PDF
7.13. Current expenditure on pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durables Excel PDF
7.14. Physicians by medical speciality Excel PDF
7.15. Practising Nurses Excel PDF
7.16. Number of inhabitants per one practising dentist Excel PDF
7.17. Number of inhabitants per one practising physician Excel PDF
7.18. Total hospital beds Excel PDF
7.19. Consumption of pure alcohol per capita (age 15 years and more) Excel PDF
7.20. Causes of mortality by sex, standardised death rate Excel PDF
7.20. Causes of mortality by sex, standardised death rate - end of table Excel PDF
7.21. Number of magnetic resonance imaging units and computed tomography scanners Excel PDF

Published: 20.02.2023
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.