Contents of the project


The project focuses mainly on creation of new effective tools to ensure collection and further distribution of compiled statistical information.

It comprises especially the following:

  • completion of the system for creation of information on published data, the so-called Statistical Metainformation System;
  • completion of tools for making of forms (questionnaires),
  • completion of tools for making of documentation to processing of so-called technical projects;
  • designing and implementation of tools for collection and processing of input data both for respondents and internal utilization;
  • designing and implementation of tools for the central processing, which comprises:
    - storage of transaction data for the central processing;
    - working processes with data;
    - common grossing up method;
    - tools for processing of quality;
    - tools for creation of analytical processing outputs, elaboration of expert estimations, and the like.

An important integration part of the project is completion of unified data storage (data warehouse) and data marts, namely including connection of information of the data warehouse with the Public database of the CZSO.

On the output side, an integral part of the project is ensuring of provision of statistical information to users via websites and CZSO Information Services. The project includes also activities in order to purchase necessary computer infrastructure, which will enable operation of the system basically in the 24/7 regime (i.e. seven days a week, 24 hours a day). 

The purpose of the project is to design tools in the following seven subsystems of the Statistical Information System:  


evaluation of requests of data users;


preparation of a statistical task, forms (reports, questionnaires) and technical projects of statistical processing;


preparation of processing – programme preparation (both primary and central processing), preparation of a statistical task for a routine operation;


primary processing of statistical tasks and administrative data;


central processing (mathematical models, grossing up, development of mathematical and statistical methods), approving and releasing of data, data analysis and primary confidentiality protection of statistical information;


user analysis, dissemination of statistical information and data with ensured confidentiality protection.

An integral part of the project is development of integration tools of the Statistical Information System, namely:


administration of registers of the CZSO and other auxiliary statistical databases;


administration of the Statistical Metainformation System (SMS);


administration of the data fund (data warehouse, data marts);


technological and system environment of information and communication technologies.