The fiftieth anniversary of Demografie


The fiftieth anniversary of Demografie

The journal Demografie began to appear in 1959, initiated by the then State Statistical Office whose head was František Fajfr. Under the subtitle population development research review the journal tops the fifty years of its existence.

Together with the Hungarian Demográfia it was the first periodical of this kind published in the socialist countries.
Along with several other developed countries (in particular France with the worldwide most famous journal Population), Czechoslovakia belonged to the group of countries which started to discuss the population issues on the pages of a specialised professional journal.

From the first issues, Demografie was focused on a wide range of questions and problems related to demographic development. It offered articles dealing with population development and its interpretation in Czechoslovakia and in the world, theoretical and practical issues of the population policy, population and housing censuses, and methodology, including methodology for surveys and mathematical methods in demography. Many contributions were devoted to territorial distribution, urbanisation, migration and commuting, as well as state and growth of the population and its forecast.

On the occasion of the anniversary, conference called Demography in the Last Fifty Years and Its Reflection on the Pages of DEMOGRAFIE organised by the Czech Demographic Society in cooperation with the Czech Statistical Office took place in May at the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague.

Press Section
Office of President of the CZSO

The last issue of Demografie is available at

  • pr0805demo_en.doc