
130077-24 Demography - births (1 year) or deaths (1 year)
Price: 1,000 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
130078-24 Demography - migration internal or external or marriages or divorces (1 year)
Price: 700 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
130079-24 Demography - abortions (1 year)
Price: 300 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
130081-24 Demography - Age distribution of municipalities with population 1 000+ (1 year)
Price: 200 CZK
Population by age and sex (1 year structure).
130082-24 Demography - Age distribution of municipalities with population under 999 (1 year)
Price: 320 CZK
Population by age and sex (5 years-group structure).

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  • The prices in EUR are only indicative and correspond to the publish date of the Price List. Current prices correspond to FX rates declared by the Czech National Bank by the invoice date.