New issue of Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal No. 2/2021 just published


18 June 2021

From the contentsAnalyses:

Jacek Białek: PriceIndices – a New R Package for Bilateral and Multilateral Price Index Calculations

Lukáš Kakalejčík, Jozef Bucko, Paulo A. A. Resende: Multichannel Marketing Attribution Using Markov Chains for E-Commerce

Cem Eyerci, A. Ömer Toprak, Ömer Demir: Ramadan Effect on Prices and Production: Case of Turkey

Maroua Chaouachi, Slim Chaouachi: Financial Development and Poverty Reduction in Crisis Periods: Panel Data Evidence from Six Countries of ECOWAS

Lukáš Malec, Václav Žák: Modelling Structural Relations for Tourism Demand: the Central European Cases

Adelaide Agyeman: Multivariate Analysis of Fertility: an Application of the Generalized Poisson Regression Model

The full online version of the journal Statistika is available in pdf format (free to download) on 
the CZSO website, printed version can be purchased in the publications store of the CZSO in Prague.


Jiří Novotný, Managing Editor


  • en_avizo_statistika_2021_2.docx