

Legal rule, on which competence of the CZSO is based regarding elections and referendum, is the Act No. 89/1995 Sb., on the State Statistical Service, as amended (see the Act No. 230/2006 Sb., Section 4, paragraph 1(p)).

The following legal regulations are applied:

A) For elections to the European Parliament:  

  • Act No. 62/2003 Sb., on Elections to the European Parliament and on Amendments to Some Acts.
  • Decree No. 409/2003 Sb. for Implementation of the Act No. 62/2003 Sb., on Elections to the European Parliament and on Amendments to Some Acts.

B) For elections to the Chamber of Deputies and to the Senate of the Parliament of the CR:

  • Act No. 247/1995 Sb., on Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic and on Amendments to Some Other Acts, as amended.
  • Decree No. 233/2000 Sb., on Implementation of Some Provisions of the Act No. 247/1995 Sb., on Elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic and on Amendments to Some Other Acts, as amended.

C) For regional council elections:

  • Act No. 130/2000 Sb., on Regional Council Elections and on Amendments to Some Acts, as amended.
  • Decree No. 152/2000 Sb., on Implementation of Some Provisions of the Act No. 130/2000 Sb., on Regional Council Elections and on Amendments to Some Acts, as amended.

D) For local council elections:

  • Act No. 491/2001 Sb., on Local Council Elections and on Amendments to Some Acts, as amended.
  • Decree No. 59/2002 Sb., on Implementation of Some Provisions of the Act No. 491/2001 Sb., on Local Council Elections and on Amendments to Some Acts, as amended.

E) For referendum:

  • Act No. 114/2003 Sb., on the Organization of the Referendum on the Accession of the Czech Republic to the EU and on the Amendment of Some Acts.
  • Decree No. 115/2003 Sb., by which Some Provisions of the Act No. 114/2003 Sb., on the Organization of the Referendum on the Accession of the Czech Republic to the EU and on the Amendment of Some Acts are implemented.

F) For election of the President of the Czech Republic:

  • Act No. 275/2012 Sb., on the Election of the President of the Czech Republic and on Amendments to Some Acts.
  • Decree No. 294/2012 Sb., on Implementation of Some Provisions of the Act on the Election of the President of the Czech Republic.

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The aforementioned legal regulations are available on the website of the Ministry of the Interior (Collection of Laws).


Translator’s note: “Sb.” stands for Collection of Laws (“Sbírka zákonů” in Czech).