Focus on Women and Men - 2018

2. 1. The most common causes of hospitalization by sex and age; 2017 Excel PDF
2. 2. Development of number of nursing days by sex and age groups Excel PDF
2. 3. Life expactancy at birth by educational attainment, 2016 Excel PDF
2. 4. Comparison of tuberculosis incidence in females and males in 2017 Excel PDF
2. 5. Development in the number of diabetics under treatment by sex Excel PDF
2. 6. Newly notified cases of malignant neoplasms (dg. C00-C97 and dg. D00-D09) per 100 000 inhabitants in 2016 Excel PDF
2. 7. Average costs of treatment of neoplasms in 2016 Excel PDF
2. 8. Average costs of treatment of the circulatory system diseases in 2016 Excel PDF
2. 9. Average costs per treatment of the genitouritary system diseases in 2016 Excel PDF
2. 10. Expenditure of health insurance companies per sickness-insured person by sex and age group in 2016 Excel PDF
2. 11. Live births with congenital malformation per 10 000 live births Excel PDF
2. 12. Structure of congenital malformation at live births, 2015 Excel PDF
2. 13. Trends in live births, and in induced and spontaneous abortions Excel PDF
2. 14. Females using contraception Excel PDF
3. 1. Age structure of teachers at regional schools (excl. Directors) - women and men in 2017 Excel PDF
3. 2. University students by age as at 31 December 2017 Excel PDF
4. 1. Employed persons by CZ-NACE section in 2017 according to the LFSS results Excel PDF
4. 2. Job applicants kept in the labour office register as at 31 December Excel PDF
4. 3. Working pensioners by economic activity sector in 2017 Excel PDF
4. 4. Wage distribution in females and in males in 2017 Excel PDF
4. 5. Average annual wage of females as percentage of wage of males in 2016 Excel PDF
5. 1. Pensioners by amount of the old-age pension as at 31 December 2016 Excel PDF
7. 1. Structure of the Senate of the Czech Republic by age and sex as at 20 November 2018 Excel PDF
7. 2. Structure of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic by age and sex as at 1 December 2018 Excel PDF
7. 3. Women and men in Regional Councils as at 1 Dec 2018 Excel PDF
7. 4. Females and males in higher and lower positions in the Army of the CR, 1th Nov, 2018 Excel PDF
7. 5. Presidents of courts by type of court and sex in 2017 Excel PDF
8. 1. Research and developemnt workers by sex and sector of activity in 2017 Excel PDF
8. 2. R&D employees in the business enterprise sector by business ownership and business size in 2017 Excel PDF
8. 3. R&D workers by sector of activities and field of science in 2017 Excel PDF
8. 4. Female R&D workers as percentages of all R&D workers in the EU Member States in 2015, internastional comparism Excel PDF
8. 5. Females as percetages in all university students and graduates from fields of science, mathematics, and statistics in the Czech Republic in 2017 Excel PDF
8. 6. Females as percentages in university students and graduates from fileds of technology, engineering, manufacturing and construction in the Czech Republic in 2017 Excel PDF
8. 7. Females as percentages in professionals in fields of science and technology in the Czech Republic in 2017 Excel PDF
8. 8. Average gross monthly wages of professionals in fields of science and technology in the Czech Republic Excel PDF
8. 9. Professionals in fields of science and technology as percentages of the employed by sex in the EU Member States in 2017 Excel PDF
9. 1. Individuals in the Czech Republic using the internet as percentages by sex and by age group Excel PDF
9. 2. Individuals in the Czech Republic using a mobile phone to access the internet as percentages by sex and by age group Excel PDF
9. 3. Individuals using social networks as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9-4 Individuals purchasing over the Internet as percentages by sex and by age group
Data in this product was corrected on 29.1.2019
Excel PDF
9. 5. Individuals searching information on travel and accommodation on the Internet as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9. 6. Individuals searching information on health on the Internet as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9. 7. Individuals playing and/or downloading games on the Internet as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9. 8. Individuals in the Czech Republic watching videos or TV over the internet as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9. 9. Individuals using internet banking as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9. 10. Individuals purchasing over the Internet as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9. 11. Individuals in the Czech Republic purchasing clothes or shoes over the internet as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9. 12. Individuals in the Czech Republic electronic equipment or software over the internet as percentages by sex and by age group in the 2nd quarter of 2018 Excel PDF
9-13 Individuals using Internet aged 16–74 years in the EU28 in 2017, international comparison
Data in this product was corrected on 29.1.2019
Excel PDF
9-14 Individuals aged 16–74 years using the Internet in the mobile phone in the EU28 in 2017, international comparison
Data in this product was corrected on 29.1.2019
Excel PDF
9. 15. Percentages of individuals aged 16–74 years purchasing over the Internet in the EU28 in 2017, international comparison Excel PDF
9. 16. Percentages of individuals aged 16–74 years using internet banking in the EU28 in 2017, international comparison Excel PDF
9. 17. Percentages of university students of and graduates from ICT fields of education in the total numbers of them by sex in the Czech Republic Excel PDF
9. 18. ICT specialists in the Czech Republic Excel PDF
9. 19. Average gross monthly wages of ICT specialists in the Czech Republic in 2017 Excel PDF
9. 20. Average gross monthly wages of ICT professionals in the Czech Republic Excel PDF

Published: 23.01.2019
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.