Economic Results of Nonprofit Institutions - 2004 - 2008

Code: w-9504-10
Information services: tel: 274 052 304
Contact: Infoservis

Methodology for the statistical survey Word PDF


1. Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs), total
1.1 Number of reporting units in NPISHs: by legal form Excel PDF
1.2 Workers and wages in NPISHs (CZK mil., persons) Excel PDF
1.3 Revenues and expenses of NPISHs (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
1.4 Gains and loses of intangible and tangible fixed assets in NPISHs (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
1.5 Membership and volunteering in NPISHs (CZK mil., persons, hours) Excel PDF

2. Small non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) with fewer than 20 employees
2.1 Number of reporting units in small NPISHs with fewer than 20 employees: by legal form Excel PDF
2.2 Workers and wages in small NPISHs with fewer than 20 employees (CZK mil., persons) Excel PDF
2.3 Revenues of small NPISHs with fewer than 20 employees (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
2.4 Expenses of small NPISHs with fewer than 20 employees (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
2.5 Gains and loses of intangible and tangible fixed assets of small NPISHs with fewer than 20 employees (CZK mil.) Excel PDF

3. Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) with 20 and more employees
3.1 Number of reporting units in NPISHs with 20 and more employees: by legal form Excel PDF
3.2 Workers and wages in NPISHs with 20 and more employees (CZK mil. persons) Excel PDF
3.3 Revenues of NPISHs with 20 and more employees (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
3.4 Expenses of NPISHs with 20 and more employees (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
3.5 Aggregate indicators on assets of NPISHs with 20 and more employees (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
3.6 Gains and loses of intangible and tangible fixed assets of NPISHs with 20 and more employees (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
3.7 Financial assets of NPISHs with 20 and more employees - net (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
3.8 Liabilities of NPISHs with 20 and more employees (CZK mil.) Excel PDF
Notes on the tabulated data Word PDF
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Published: 15.03.2010
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.