Economic Results of Nonprofit Institutions - 2005 - 2009

Code: e-9504-11
Information services: tel: 274 052 304
Contact: Infoservis

Methodology for the statistical survey Word PDF


1. Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs), total
1.1 Number of reporting units in NPISHs: by legal form Excel PDF
1.2 Index year-on-year of wages - excl. other personnel expenses in NPISHs: by legal form 2) Excel PDF
1.3 Number of hours volunteered in NPISHs: by legal form Excel PDF
1.4 Index year-on year of number of hours volunteered in NPISHs: by legal form Excel PDF
1.5 Contributions and gifts received, membership dues received and operating subsidies of reporting units in NPISHs: by legal form Excel PDF

2. Non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) with 10 and more employees
2.1 Number of reporting units in NPISHs with 10 and more employees: by legal form Excel PDF
2.2 Index year-on-year of wages - excl. other personnel expenses in NPISHs with 10 and more employees: by legal form 2) Excel PDF
2.3 Number of hours volunteered in NPISHs with 10 and more employees: by legal form Excel PDF
2.4 Contributions and gifts received, membership dues received and operating subsidies of reporting units in NPISHs with 10 and more employees: by legal form Excel PDF
2.5 Revenues of reporting units in NPISHs with 10 and more employees: by legal form Excel PDF
2.6 Expenses of reporting units in NPISHs with 10 and more employees: by legal form Excel PDF
2.7 Assets of reporting units in NPISHs with 10 and more employees: by legal form Excel PDF
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Published: 31.03.2011
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.