Demographic Yearbook of the Czech Republic - 2018

Code: 130067-19
Information services: tel: 274 052 304
Contact: Mgr. Radek Havel

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Methodological notes Word PDF
Population and vital statistics of the Czech Republic: 1921–2018 Excel PDF

A. Population and vital statistics
A.01 Population and vital statistics: numbers Excel PDF
A.02 Population and vital statistics: relative data Excel PDF

B. Marriages
B.01 Marriages: by place of residence, age and marital status of groom Excel PDF
B.02 Marriages: by place of residence, age and marital status of bride Excel PDF
B.03 Marriages: by age of groom and bride Excel PDF
B.04 First marriages: by age of groom and bride Excel PDF
B.05 Marriages: by age, year of birth, sex and marital status Excel PDF
B.06 Marriages: by marital status and age of groom and bride Excel PDF
B.07 Marriages: by age and educational attainment of groom and bride Excel PDF
B.08 Marriages: by region of residence and by month of marriage Excel PDF
B.09 Remarriages by marital status of groom, by number of years elapsed from breakdown of previous marriage and by age of groom Excel PDF
B.10 Remarriages by marital status of bride, by number of years elapsed from breakdown of previous marriage and by age of bride Excel PDF
B.11 Marriages: by educational attainment of groom and bride Excel PDF
B.12 Marriages: by difference in age of groom and bride and by marital status Excel PDF
B.13 Marriages: by year of birth of groom and bride Excel PDF
B.14 Marriages: by citizenship of groom Excel PDF
B.15 Marriages: by citizenship of bride Excel PDF

C. Divorces
C.01 Divorces: by place of residence Excel PDF
C.02 Divorces: by age of divorcees Excel PDF
C.03 Divorces: by age of male and duration of marriage Excel PDF
C.04 Divorces: by age of female and duration of marriage Excel PDF
C.05 Divorces: by duration of marriage and number of minor children Excel PDF
C.06 Divorces: by marital cohort and number of minor children Excel PDF
C.07 Divorces: by sex, age, number of previous divorces and number of minor children Excel PDF
C.08 Divorces: by age groups, duration of marriage, number of minor children and cause of marriage breakdown on the part of male Excel PDF
C.09 Divorces: by age groups, duration of marriage, number of minor children and cause of marriage breakdown on the part of female Excel PDF
C.10 Divorces: by cause of marriage breakdown Excel PDF
C.11 Divorces: by educational attainment and cause of marriage breakdown on the part of male and female Excel PDF
C.12 Divorces: by educational attainment of male and female Excel PDF
C.13 Divorces: by difference in age of male and female and divorce order Excel PDF
C.14 Divorces: by citizenship of male Excel PDF
C.15 Divorces: by citizenship of female Excel PDF

D. Births
D.01 Births: by place of residence of mother Excel PDF
D.02 Births: by legitimacy, birth order of live births, vitality and place of residence of mother Excel PDF
D.03 Births: by age of mother, sex, birth order of live births and vitality Excel PDF
D.04 Live births: by age of mother, legitimacy and birth order Excel PDF
D.05 Live births: by age and marital status of mother Excel PDF
D.06 Live births: by age and year of birth of mother, legitimacy and birth order Excel PDF
D.07 Births in current marriage: by time elapsed since marriage of parents, birth order of live births, sex and vitality Excel PDF
D.08 Live births: by birth order and marital status of mother Excel PDF
D.09 Live births in current marriage: by sex, birth order and educational attainment of mother Excel PDF
D.10 Births: by age of mother, legitimacy and by age of father Excel PDF
D.11 Births within marriage: by age of father, vitality, birth order and sex Excel PDF
D.12 Births outside marriage: by age of father, vitality, birth order of live births, marital status of mother and sex Excel PDF
D.13 Higher order births: by birth interval, birth order of live births, legitimacy and maturity Excel PDF
D.14 Live births: by week of gestation, sex, legitimacy and birth weight Excel PDF
D.15 Live births: by birth length, sex, legitimacy and birth weight Excel PDF
D.16 Live births: by age of mother, sex, legitimacy and birth weight Excel PDF
D.17 Live births: by legitimacy, sex, birth order and birth weight Excel PDF
D.18 Live births within marriage: by educational attainment of mother, birth order and by educational attainment of father Excel PDF
D.19 Live births outside marriage: by educational attainment of mother, birth order and by educational attainment of father Excel PDF
D.20 Births: by month of birth, legitimacy, birth order and vitality Excel PDF
D.21 Multiple deliveries: by sex and age of mother Excel PDF
D.22 Multiple births: by sex, vitality and legitimacy Excel PDF
D.23 Live births: by citizenship of child, sex, legitimacy and birth order Excel PDF
D.24 Live births: by country of birth of parents and by sex, legitimacy and birth order Excel PDF
D.25 Live births: by age and country of birth of mother Excel PDF
D.26 Stillbirths: by age of mother, sex, marital status of mother, education attainment of mother, week of gestation, birth length and birth weight Excel PDF

E. Abortions
E.01 Abortions: by place of residence and type of abortion Excel PDF
E.02 Abortions: by age, number of live births of female, marital status and type of abortion Excel PDF
E.03 Abortions: by gestational age, month of abortion, educational attainment, citizenship and type of abortion Excel PDF
E.04 Abortions of married females: by gestational age, month of abortion, educational attainment, citizenship and type of abortion Excel PDF
E.05 Abortions of single females: by gestational age, month of abortion, educational attainment, citizenship and type of abortion Excel PDF
E.06 Induced abortions: by order of abortion, age, educational attainment and number of live births Excel PDF
E.07 Induced abortions of married females: by order of abortion, age, educational attainment and number of live births Excel PDF
E.08 Induced abortions of single females: by order of abortion, age, educational attainment and number of live births Excel PDF

F. Deaths
F.01 Deaths: by place of residence Excel PDF
F.02 Deaths: by sex, age, size group of municipality and region Excel PDF
F.03 Deaths: by age, sex and marital status Excel PDF
F.04 Deaths: by age, year of birth, sex and marital status Excel PDF
F.05 Deaths: by citizenship, country of birth, month of death, educational attainment, sex and age Excel PDF
F.06 Deaths: by sex, age and place of death Excel PDF
F.07 Deaths: by sex, cause of death and place of death Excel PDF

G. Deaths by cause of death
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) Word PDF
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Heath Problems (ICD-10) - Deaths under 1 year Word PDF
G.01 Deaths: by sex, size of municipality, region and cause of death Excel PDF
G.02 Deaths: by sex, age and cause of death Excel PDF
G.03 Deaths: by sex, month of death and cause of death Excel PDF
G.04 Infant deaths: by sex, age and cause of death Excel PDF
G.05 Deaths: by detailed list of causes of death, sex and age Excel PDF
G.06 Deaths: by detailed list of external causes of morbidity and mortality, sex and age Excel PDF

H. Migration
H.01 Internal and international migration: by size of municipalities, cohesion regions, regions, districts and sex Excel PDF
H.02 Internal migration: male in-migrants by age, area, region and district Excel PDF
H.03 Internal migration: female in-migrants by cohesion regions, regions districts and age Excel PDF
H.04 Internal migration: male out-migrants by cohesion regions, regions, districts and age Excel PDF
H.05 Internal migration: female out-migrants by cohesion regions, regions, districts and age Excel PDF
H.06 Internal migration: in-migrants by regions of in-migration and marital status Excel PDF
H.07 Internal migration: out-migrants by regions of out-migration and marital status Excel PDF
H.08 Internal migration: by age, month of migration, marital status and type of migration Excel PDF
H.09 Internal migration between regions: by sex Excel PDF
H.10 Internal migration - gross and net migration between regions: by sex Excel PDF
H.11 Internal migration between districts Excel PDF
H.12 International migration: by age and sex Excel PDF
H.13 International migration: by marital status, month of migration and sex Excel PDF
H.14 International migration - immigrants: by citizenship, sex and age group Excel PDF
H.15 International migration - emigrants: by citizenship, sex and age group Excel PDF

I. Population balance and analytic indicators
I.01 Population: by age unit and sex Excel PDF
I.02 Population: by age unit, sex and type of urbanisation (31 December 2018) Excel PDF
I.03 Population: by age and region – both sexes Excel PDF
I.04 Population: by age and region – males Excel PDF
I.05 Population: by age and region – females Excel PDF
I.06 Population: by age and marital status - males (31 December 2018) Excel PDF
I.07 Population: by age and marital status - females (31 December 2018) Excel PDF
I.08 Nuptiality life tables: males Excel PDF
I.09 Nuptiality life tables: females Excel PDF
I.10 Fertility rates: by age unit, age group, type of urbanisation and region (per 1,000 females) Excel PDF
I.11 Abortion rates: by age unit, age group, type of urbanisation and region (per 1,000 females) Excel PDF
I.12 Induced abortion rates: by age unit, age group, type of urbanisation and region (per 1,000 females) Excel PDF
I.13 Spontaneous abortion rates: by age unit, age group, type of urbanisation and region (per 1,000 females) Excel PDF
I.14 Pregnancy rates: by age unit, age group, type of urbanisation and region (per 1,000 females) Excel PDF
I.15 Mortality rates: by sex, age, type of urbanisation and region (per 1,000 inhabitants) Excel PDF
I.16 Mortality rates: by sex, age and cause of death (per 100,000 inhabitants) Excel PDF
I.17 Complete life tables: males Excel PDF
I.18 Complete life tables: females Excel PDF
I.19 Complete life tables: rural - males Excel PDF
I.20 Complete life tables: rural - females Excel PDF
I.21 Complete life tables: urban - males Excel PDF
I.22 Complete life tables: urban - females Excel PDF
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Published: 03.10.2019
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.