Tourism - 1. quarter of 2018

Winter season this year also successful

Code: 020026-18

In the Q1 2018, the number of guests in collective accommodation establishments increased by 11.4%, year-on-year (y-o-y). The number of overnight stays also increased; the number of overnight stays of residents increased by 9.5% and the number of overnight stays of foreign tourists increased by 9.0%. The average length of stay reached 3.7 days.

The number of overnight stays of guests in collective accommodation establishments reached 10.8 million nights in the Q1 2018; it was by 9.3% more than in the corresponding period of the previous year. The number of overnight stays of residents increased by 9.5%. The number of overnight stays of non-residents went up by 9.0%. The highest number of overnight stays (7.3 million) was recorded in hotels (+8.9%, y-o-y). As for the regional breakdown, an increase in the number of guests in collective accommodation establishments was higher in all regions of the Czech Republic except for the Zlínský Region. The highest increase in the demand for accommodation was recorded in the Plzeňský Region, in which the number of overnight stays increased by 22.0% and further in the Středočeský Region (+17.2%).

Almost 4.0 million guests arrived in collective accommodation establishments during the reference period; it was 11.4% up, y-o-y. Guests from abroad outnumbered the domestic ones. Compared to the year 2017, the number of foreign guests increased by 11.2% and the number of domestic guests increased by 11.5%. Hotels recorded a 10.6% increase in the number of guests; boarding houses (pensions) were visited in the Q1 2018 by 14.5% more guests, year-on-year. In terms of regional comparison, there was an increase of guests in all regions of the CR. In the Plzeňský Region, the number of guests increased by almost a quarter (+24.0%). Also the following regions recorded the above-average dynamics of arrivals: the Jihočeský Region (+15.5%), the Olomoucký Region (+15.3%), and the Středočeský Region (+15.2%). The long winter season attracted domestic visitors to ski resorts. The number of accommodated residents in the Královéhradecký Region thus reached the same level as the number of domestic guests in Prague.

The highest number of foreign guests (by citizenship) came from Germany. There were 422 thousand of German guests in the surveyed establishments; it was an increase by 13.7%, y-o-y. Guests from the Russian Federation ranked second in the Q1 2018. In total, 143 thousand of them accommodated there, which is by 14.3% more compared to the Q1 2017. Accommodated guests from Slovakia made 138 thousand of arrivals; it was by 11.1% more, y-o-y. The number of guests in collective accommodation establishments exceeding a hundred thousand of arrivals was further from Poland (+6.9%) and from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (+5.9%). On the contrary, less guests arrived from the United States of America (-2.1%) and France (-1.3%) in the Q1 2018. Guests from China showed an above-average interest in visiting of the Czech Republic (+28.2%) as well as guests from Spain (+37.9%), the Ukraine (+36.7%), and Hungary (+34.5%).


Responsible head at the CZSO: Marie Boušková, Director of the Services Statistics Department, phone number (+420) 274 052 935, e-mail:

Contact person: Pavel Vančura, Head of the Tourism Statistics Unit, phone number (+420) 274 052 096, e-mail:
Method of data acquisition: direct surveys of the CZSO in collective accommodation establishments
End of data collection: 27 April 2018
End of data processing: 30 April 2018
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Next News Release will be published on: 8 August 2018


  • acru051018.docx
  • Annexes:
  • Table 1 Guests (accommodation establishment category, numbers, indices)
  • Table 2 Overnight stays (accommodation establishment category, numbers, indices)
  • Table 3 Guests (regions, numbers, indices)
  • Table 4 Overnight stays (regions, numbers, indices)
  • Table 5 Guests, overnight stays (non-residents by country, numbers, indices)
  • Chart 1 Number of guests in collective accommodation establishments, y-o-y change (in %)
  • Chart 2 Number of guests in collective accommodation establishments
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Published: 10.05.2018
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.

Contact: Information Services Unit - Headquarters, tel.: +420 274 056 789, email: