Lexikon hl. m. Prahy



After four years, the CZSO’s department of Regional Analysis and Information Services Prague has brought out again the statistical “Lexicon of the Capital City of Prague” with the aim to show selected statistical data as they are kept in the city information system. This system is an application of the CZSO’s nation-wide system of regional databases for chartered towns. It comprises many indicators that are kept as they are available in various territorial breakdowns, i.e. self-government and administrative breakdown (the Capital City of Prague as a whole, 22 administrative districts and 57 city sections) and territorial technical breakdown (112 cadastral territories, 146 municipality parts and territorial technical units, and 901 basic settlement units = town planning districts).

The publication contains a systematic overview of territorial breakdown of Prague with basic data up to breakdown by territorial technical unit. Traditionally, it shows also historical development of the territory and changes in administrative set-up. It shows the shift of the administrative set-up from ten to fifteen administrative districts as well as the latest administrative amendment effective as of 1 July 2001, which divided 57 city sections into 22 administrative districts. Similarly, the information on the territorial technical breakdown of the capital city was updated.

The chapter of the Lexicon dealing with selected information on city sections underwent changes. The data on cadastral territories were similarly updated. Another change is inclusion of the long time series of the population from 1850 to 2001 according to the results of individual censuses broken down by cadastral territory.The series includes the data on population at the end of 2008. The chapter of cadastral territories is enriched with a section of local names, which are taken from the book “What is what in Prague” by Ctibor Rybár, 1989. The placement of these traditional territories reflects present administrative breakdown of the city.

Where not stated otherwise, the publication contains data for the year 2008.

For the user’s needs a separate chapter is again devoted to codes in force and used in nation-wide databases, statistical reporting and the like. The codes already include changes that have occurred until 2009.

Abbreviations used in publication:

AD - Administrative district
LD - Local district
BTU - Basic territorial unit
CS - City section
MS - Municipality section
MS-part - Municipality section-part
TTU - Territorial technical unit
CT - Cadastral territory
BSU - Basic settlement unit
TPD - Town planning district