Statistical Yearbook of the Vysočina Region - 2012

Maps and cartograms
Geographical map of the Kraje Region JPG
Administrative breakdown of the Vysočina Region JPG
Towns and market-towns in the Vysočina Region JPG
Regions and districts – abbreviations Excel
1. Net migration by municipality in the Vysočina Region (in 2007–2011) JPG
2. Completed dwellings by municipality in the Vysočina Region (2007–2011 average) JPG
3. Unemployment rate by municipality in the Vysočina Region as at 31 December 2011 JPG
4. Registered job applicants aged up to 25 by municipality in the Vysočina Region as at 31 December 2011 JPG
5. Population of municipalities with 2 000+ inhabitants as at 31 December 2011 JPG
6. Specific emissions of solid substances in 2010 JPG
7. Extramarital births in 2011 JPG
8. Deaths due to diseases of the circulatory system in 2011 JPG
9. Registered unemployment rate as at 31 December 2011 JPG
10. Job applicants per job vacancy as at 31 December 2011 JPG
11. Gross domestic product and structure of gross value added in 2011 JPG
12. Average monthly gross wage (headcount) in 2010 JPG
13. Rape harvest in 2007–2011 JPG
14. Sales of own products and services incidental to industry in 2011 JPG
15. Average duration of 1 case of incapacity for work in 2011 JPG
16. Detected criminal offences in 2011 JPG
17. Population difference between 2001 and 2011 Population and Housing Censuses JPG
18. Population with completed university education according to the Population and Housing Census as at 26 March 2011 JPG
19. Net migration by administrative district of municipalities with extended powers (2007–2011 average) JPG
20. Completed dwellings by administrative district of municipalities with extended powers (2007–2011 average) JPG

Published: 28.12.2012
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.