Statistická ročenka Ústeckého kraje


Characteristics of the Ústecký Region


The Ústecký Region lies in the northwest of the Czech Republic along its northern border with the Federal Republic of Germany, particularly with the Free State of Saxony. The Region’s neighbours are also the Liberecký Region in the northeast, the Karlovarský and partly the Plzeňský Regions in the west, and the Středočeský Region in the south. .

The mountainous belt along the Czech-Germany border, formed by Krušné hory (the Ore Mountains), Labské pískovce (the Labe Sandstone Formations), and Lužické hory (the Lužice Mountains), protects the Region from the north, while lowlands stretch in the southeast, with České středohoří (the Bohemian Low Mountain Range) rising above the flat area. A prevailing part of the Region is occupied by the River Labe basin. The river is the most important waterway in the CR, providing water transport between cities lying on the Rivers Labe and Vltava and those situated in Germany, particularly Hamburg, a North Sea harbour. The Rivers Ohře and Bílina pass through the western parts of the Region. The River Ploučnice flows through the Děčín District.

The Ústecký Region breaks up into seven administrative districts comprising 354 municipalities. The population ranks the Region fifth in the CR. The density of population rises above the national average, varying from one district to another. The highest density can be found in the lignite basin of the Krušné hory foothills. The area of the Region 5 335 km2 accounts for 6.8% of the CR’ total area.

The economic significance of the Region is determined by its rich resources of raw materials, particularly lignite deposits, and related power and chemical industries.

The focus especially on coal mining, power and chemical industries in the past has had a negative impact on the environment. Recent structural changes in economic activities caused a decrease in the number of job opportunities in industry. The sector of services was not able to offer a corresponding number of vacancies to compensate for it, which resulted in high unemployment. Regarding agriculture in the Region, it is well known for growing hops and vegetables.

The important international road E55 runs through the Teplice and Litoměřice Districts, linking the north and south of Europe, and going on from the town of Lovosice as the highway D8. Another important route is the road leading along Krušné hory to the northern part of the Liberecký Region. No less important is also the route coming from the Federal Republic of Germany via Chomutov and Louny to Prague.

The main railway route is the international track from the Federal Republic of Germany via the town of Ústí nad Labem to Prague.

Due to its rich history of settlement, the Ústecký Region boasts of a great number of historic buildings and monuments. The best known arethe baroque castle in Duchcov, Romanesque rotunda on the Říp Mountain, Gothic church in Most, monastery in Osek, and castles Ploskovice and Libochovice. Also, there are painting collections of great worth in the Litoměřice picture gallery. To mention some of the beauties of nature, the best known is the national park České Švýcarsko (the Bohemian Switzerland) with its famous Pravčická brána (the Pravčice Gate).