Statistical Yearbook of the Jihočeský Region - 2011

Graph 1 Selected indicators on the  Jihočeský Region in comparison with the Czech Republic average in 2010 JPG
Graph 2 Population by size groups of municipalities in the Jihočeský Region as at 31 December 2010 JPG
Graph 3 Total precipitation in the Jihočeský Region in 2007−2010 JPG
Graph 4 Investment environmental protection expenditure by the investor registered office in 2010 JPG
Graph 5 Generation of municipal waste in 2007−2010 JPG
Graph 6 Age distribution of the population in the  Jihočeský Region in 2010 and 2001 JPG
Graph 7 Foreigners in the  Jihočeský Region in 2008–2010 JPG
Graph 8 Index of ageing by region (1991, 2001, 2010) JPG
Graph 9 Gross domestic product per capita by region JPG
Graph 10 Gross value added by CZ-NACE JPG
Graph 11 Local budget expenditure per capita by region in 2010 JPG
Graph 12 General unemployment rate in the Jihočeský Region and Czech Republic JPG
Graph 13 Average monthly gross wages of employees by selected CZ-NACE and region in 2009 JPG
Graph 14 Registered unemployment rate in the  Jihočeský Region JPG
Graph 15 Harvest of selected farm crops in the Jihočeský Region JPG
Graph 16 Sales of own goods and services incidental to industry by region JPG
Graph 17 New construction, modernization and reconstruction by location of site in 2010 JPG
Graph 18 Guests at collective tourist accommodation in the  Jihočeský Region JPG
Graph 19 Students at universities according to the region of permanent residence in 2010 JPG
Graph 20 Incapacity for work due to disease or injury and Average duration of one case of incapacity for work in the Jihočeský Region JPG
Graph 21 Share of premature old-age pension recipients in the  Jihočeský Region and its districts in 2005 and 2010 JPG
Graph 22 Selected indicators of the cohesion region by region JPG

Published: 30.12.2011
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.