Agrocensus 2010 - Farm Structure Survey and Survey on Agricultural Production Methods - 2010

2      Principal agricultural production of the holding by selected activities Excel PDF
3      Non-agricultural activities (directly related to the holding) Excel PDF
5      Labour force in agriculture, total Excel PDF
6      Labour regularly employed by age groups Excel PDF
7      Labour regularly employed by hours worked Excel PDF
11      Land use Excel PDF
12      Tillage methods Excel PDF
13      Soil cover in winter Excel PDF
14      Crop rotation Excel PDF
15      Arable land use Excel PDF
16      Utilised agricultural area Excel PDF
17      Area of land, total Excel PDF
18      Area under special crops Excel PDF
19      Livestock Excel PDF
20      Animal grazing Excel PDF
21      Cattle housing Excel PDF
22      Pig housing Excel PDF
23      Laying hens housing Excel PDF
24      Storage facilities for barnyard manure Excel PDF
25      Barnyard manure application Excel PDF
26      Barnyard manure export Excel PDF
27      Machinery and equipment Excel PDF
28      Tractors and harvesters less than 10 years old Excel PDF
29      Specified units of machinery and equipment Excel PDF
30      Equipment used for renewable energy production Excel PDF
31      Source of water and irrigation methods Excel PDF
32      Irrigation Excel PDF
33      Organic farming Excel PDF
34      Extent of organic farming Excel PDF
35      Organic crop production Excel PDF
36      Organic production methods applied to animal production Excel PDF
37      Landscape features from 2008 to 2010 Excel PDF
38      Waste water disposal Excel PDF
39      Agricultural services Excel PDF
40      Providing services Excel PDF
41      Processing of own products Excel PDF
42      Revenues from sales of own products Excel PDF
43      Self-consumption of self-produced products Excel PDF
44      Destination of the holding’s production Excel PDF

Published: 26.08.2011
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.