Statistical Yearbook of the Olomoucký Region - 2010

List of maps and kartograms
Geographical map of the Olomoucký Region JPG
Administrative breakdown of the Olomoucký Region JPG
Towns and market-towns in the Olomoucký Region JPG
Regions and districts - abbreviations Excel
1. Live births per 1 000 population: by municipality in the Olomoucký Region (2005–2009 average) JPG
2. Completed dwellings per 1 000 population: by municipality in the Olomoucký Region (2005 – 2009 average) JPG
3. Unemployment rate: by municipality in the Olomoucký Region, 31 December 2009
4. Job applicants registered longer than 1 year: by municipality in the Olomoucký Region, 31 December 2009 JPG
5. Index of ageing, 31 December 2009, and share of population aged 65+ in 1991, 2009 and 2030 JPG
6. Standardized mortality rate and death structure: by main cause of death, 2009 JPG
7. Gross domestic product per capita and structure of gross value added: by CZ-NACE, 2009 JPG
8. Territorial budget expenditure per 1 000 population and its structure: by CZ-NACE, 2009 JPG
9. Households: by income level, 2008 JPG
10. Average monthly gross wage (headcount) and its structure: by CZ-NACE, 2008 JPG
11. Job applicants per job vacancy, 31 December 2009 JPG
12. Guests in collective accommodation establishments per 1 000 population, 2009 JPG
13. Structure of non-resident guests in collective accommodation establishments and average length of their stay, 2009 JPG
14. Children attending nursery schools in total number of children aged 3 – 6, 2009 JPG
15. Households with personal computer in 2009 and internet connection, 2005 - 2009 JPG
16. Beds in hospitals per 10 000 population, 2009 JPG
17. Average duration of 1 case of incapacity for work, 2009 JPG
18. Average monthly amount of old-age pension, December 2009 JPG
19. Average amount of damage incurred in traffic accidents per accident, 2009 JPG
20. Turnout and share of selected parties in the total number of votes won in election to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic held on 28 – 29 May 2010 JPG

Published: 31.12.2010
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.