Statistical Yearbook of the Ústecký Region - 2010

List of graphs
Graph 1 Generation of municipal waste, 2007–2009 JPG
Graph 2 Deaths: by cause of death, Ústecký Region, 1994–2009 JPG
Graph 3 Age distribution of the population: Ústecký Region, 31 December and by population projection, 1 January 2040 JPG
Graph 4 Gross Domestic Product per capita in PPS in 2009, EU 27 = 100 JPG
Graph 5 Gross value added: by CZ-NACE, 2009 JPG
Graph 6 Average monthly gross wages of employees: by selected CZ-NACE activity, by region, 2008 JPG
Graph 7 Harvest of selected farm crops in the Ústecký Region JPG
Graph 8 Average registered number of employees in the industry, by region (headcount) JPG
Graph 9 New construction, modernization and reconstruction by location of site, 2009 JPG
Graph 10 Students of public and private universities: Ústecký Region JPG
Graph 11 Average monthly amount of full old-age pension: 2004 and 2009 JPG
Graph 12 Selected indicators on the Ústecký Region in comparison with the Czech Republic average: 2009 JPG
Graph 13 Selected indicators by cohesion regions: by region JPG

Published: 31.12.2010
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.