Foreigners in the Czech Republic - 2013

1. Demographic aspects of the foreigner’s life
Share of foreigners the population: selected european countries at 1st January 2012 Excel
Age distribution of population in the CR; 31 December 2012 Excel
Age distribution of foreigners in the CR; 31 December 2012 Excel
Foreigners live born in the CR: by citizenship Excel
2. Asylum and asylum facilities
Applicants for international protection in the CR: 5 most often citizenships; 2012 Excel
Applicants for international protection in the CR: by continent; 2012 Excel
Age structure of applicants for international protection in the CR; 2012 Excel
Development of the number of applicants for international protection in the CR Excel
3. Economic activity of foreigners in the Czech Republic
Employment of foreigners in the CR by status in employment, 1997-2012 Excel
Foreigners holding valid trade licence by citizenship; 31 December 2012 Excel
Foreigners holding valid trade licence: by age group as at 31 December 2012 Excel
Selected citizenships by status in employment; 31 December 2011 Excel
Selected citizenships of foreigners registered at labour offices by age; 31 December 2011 Excel
Development of number of foreigners registered by labour offices: work permits granted and employment of foreigners with free access to the labour market (so-called Information cards) Excel
Development of qualification structure of work permits granted Excel
Development of qualification structure of employed foreigners from the EU/EEA countries (information cards) Excel
Development of qualification structure of employed foreigners from the non-EU/non-EEA countries without work permits (information cards) Excel
Development of employment of foreigners by type of occupation in the CR: comparison of migration from the EU and non-EU countries Excel
Qualification structure of employed foreigners from the EU/EEA countries, five most frequent citizenship, 31 December 2011 Excel
Qualification structure of employed foreigners from the non-EU/non-EEA countries, five most frequent citizenship, 31 December 2011 Excel
5. Crime of foreigners
Prosecuted, accused and convicted persons: by citizenship; 2012 Excel
7. Illegal migration across the state border of the Czech Republic
Illegal migration of foreigners Excel
Illegal migrations across the state borders - Czech citizens / foreigners Excel
Illegal migration across state borders in 2007 Excel
Illegal migration across state borders - international airports in the CR; 2012 Excel

Published: 31.12.2013
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.