Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic - 2006

10 A. Employment, unemployment, wages and labour costs in the national economy
Methodology PDF
10- 1. Employees and their average monthly gross wages in the national economy: by CZ-NACE Excel
10- 2. Employees and their average monthly gross wages in the national economy: by size group of businesses, 2004 Excel
10- 3. Employees and their average monthly gross wages in the national economy: by sector Excel
10- 4. Employees and their average monthly gross wages in the national economy (excl. businesses with fewer than 20 employees): by CZ-NACE and size group of businesses Excel
10- 5. Medians of monthly gross wages: by CZ-ISCO-88 major group and age group Excel
10- 6. Average monthly gross wages: by CZ-ISCO-88 major group and age group Excel
10- 7. Monthly labour costs: by CZ-NACE, 2004 Excel
10- 8. Unemployed job applicants and vacancies: 31 December Excel
10- 9. Structure of unemployed job applicants: 31 December Excel
10 B. Labour force, the employed and the unemployed
Methodology PDF
10-10. Population and its structure: by educational attainment, age group and region, 2005 Excel
10-11. One (main) job holders in the national economy: by CZ-ISCO-88 and status in employment, 2005 Excel
10-12. One (main) job holders in the civilian sector by duration of employment; underemployment; activity of job holders on labour market: 2005 Excel
10-13. The unemployed: by activity status before seeking employment and way of seeking employment, 2005 Excel
10-14. The unemployed with experience of work: by CZ-NACE and CZ-ISCO-88, 2005 Excel
10-15. General and specific unemployment rates: by region, educational attainment and age group, 2005 Excel
10-16. Labour force in the national economy (employed and unemployed) and its structure: by educational attainment, age group and region Excel
10-17. The employed in the national economy and their structure: by educational attainment, age group and region Excel
10-18. One (main) job holders in the national economy: by CZ-ISCO-88 and status in employment Excel
10-19. The employed in the national economy: by CZ-NACE and sector Excel
10-20. Second job holders in the national economy: by status in employment, selected CZ-NACE activity and age group Excel
10-21. The unemployed and their structure: by education, age group and region Excel
10-22. Participation rate: by region Excel
10-23. General unemployment rate (ILO): by region Excel
10-24. Employment rate: by region Excel
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Published: 30.11.2006
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.