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Code Product name
062060-24 Alespoň základní digitální dovednosti má 69 procent Čechů
050124-23 Analysis of quarterly sector accounts
050124-24 Analysis of quarterly sector accounts
990261-23 Anketa o využití informačních systémů a způsobech sběru dat
170409-23 ATLAS - Population and Housing Census - Plzeňský Region
270126-24 Balance of Crop Products
270126-23 Balance of Crop Products
990277-24 Březnové vydání časopisu Statistika&My se věnuje potravinám
200103-23 Bytové výstavbě se loni mimořádně dařilo
014016-24 Real estate prices
014016-23 Real estate prices
011082-23 Prices of agricultural land
011082-24 Prices of agricultural land
020026-24 Tourism
020026-23 Tourism
025000-23 Cestovní ruch se v roce 2021 vyrovnával s následky pandemie koronaviru
025001-23 Cestovní ruch v krajích reagoval na proticovidová omezení odlišně
290038-24 Foreigners by citizenship, age and sex
290038-23 Foreigners by citizenship, age and sex
290027-23 Foreigners in the Czech Republic
290027-24 Foreigners in the Czech Republic
130249-24 Covid-19 se v žebříčku hlavních příčin smrti propadl
130235-23 Covid-19 ustoupil i ve statistice příčin smrti
370014-24 Časopis Statistika&My ukazuje Česko v EU
990264-23 The journals Demografie and Statistika have received an impact factor
250139-23 Labour Force Survey: Time series of basic indicators
250139-24 Labour Force Survey: Time series of basic indicators
070007-23 Time series of selected confidence indicators
070007-24 Time series of selected confidence indicators
110025-23 Labour Statistics: Time Series of Basic Indicators
110025-24 Labour Statistics: Time Series of Basic Indicators
320344-23 Česká ekonomika balancuje na hraně
050155-24 Česká ekonomika na konci roku 2023 mírně rostla
320181-24 Czech Republic since 1989 in Figures
320181-23 Czech Republic since 1989 in Figures
370012-23 Česká republika v mezinárodním srovnání
370002-24 Czech Republic in International Comparison (Selected indicators)
370002-23 Czech Republic in International Comparison (Selected indicators)
200102-23 Českému stavebnictví se loni dařilo
320343-23 Česko a Slovensko mají stále mnoho společného
370013-24 Česko má nejvíce středoškolsky vzdělaných v rámci EU
320203-23 Czechia in Figures
283000-23 Česko v roce 2022 vyprodukovalo 39 mil. tun odpadů
320308-24 Czechia: 20 years in the European Union
320350-24 Czechia: 20 years in the European Union
990257-23 Czech statistical system under the microscope of experts
220171-23 Czech system of election results processing is unique
090027-23 Češi mají čtení na webu v oblibě
062052-23 Češi si oblíbili internetové bankovnictví a nakupování
160076-23 Češi utratili loni více, ale koupili si toho méně
330122-24 First Hand Figures Prague
330122-23 First Hand Figures Prague
330123-23 First Hand Figures Prague
330123-24 First Hand Figures Prague
310054-23 ČSÚ přináší komplexní pohled na seniorky a seniory
011085-23 ČSÚ rozšířil statistiku cen energií o nová data
242017-23 ČSÚ spustil aplikaci zaměřenou na zahraniční obchod
990269-23 The CZSO underwent European peer review successfully
160075-23 ČSÚ zahájil další ročník šetření životních podmínek
270270-23 ČSÚ zahajuje další Integrované zemědělské šetření
260038-23 ČSÚ zjišťuje, jak se žije lidem se zdravotním postižením
226002-23 ČSÚ zpracoval výsledky posledních voleb roku 2023
220170-23 ČSÚ zpracoval výsledky prvních voleb roku 2023
220174-23 ČSÚ zpracoval výsledky voleb v obci Hrčava
990273-23 ČSÚ zveřejnil kalendář statistik pro rok 2024
227000-24 ČSÚ zveřejnil kandidátní listiny pro volby do Evropského parlamentu
330273-23 ČSÚ zveřejnil nové vydání krajských statistických ročenek
050039-24 Quarterly Sector Accounts
050039-23 Quarterly Sector Accounts
050057-23 Quarterly Sector Accounts
050057-24 Quarterly Sector Accounts
170387-23 Four out of ten employed people commute to work outside their municipality of usual residence
050048-23 Detailed tax and social contribution receipts
050048-24 Detailed tax and social contribution receipts
211003-23 Government Tax Relief for R&D expenditures (GTARD)
211003-24 Government Tax Relief for R&D expenditures (GTARD)
040002-24 Daňová podpora výzkumu a vývoje přesáhla v roce 2022 poprvé tři miliardy korun
212031-23 Daňová podpora výzkumu a vývoje v roce 2021 dosáhla 2,4 miliardy
330270-23 Database KROK – open data
330270-24 Database KROK – open data
330271-23 Database MOS – open data
330271-24 Database MOS – open data
050061-24 Government deficit and debt
050061-23 Government deficit and debt
270141-24 Final Harvest Figures
270141-23 Final Harvest Figures
130055-23 Czech Demographic Handbook
130055-24 Czech Demographic Handbook
130067-23 Demographic Yearbook of the Czech Republic
130067-24 Demographic Yearbook of the Czech Republic
130068-24 Demographic Yearbook of Regions of the Czech Republic
130068-23 Demographic Yearbook of Regions of the Czech Republic
130066-23 Demographic Yearbook of Towns of the Czech Republic
130066-24 Demographic Yearbook of Towns of the Czech Republic
130056-23 Demographic Yearbook of Districts of the Czech Republic
130056-24 Demographic Yearbook of Districts of the Czech Republic
130057-23 Demographic Yearbook of the Administrative Districts of Municipalities with Authorised Municipal Authority
130057-24 Demographic Yearbook of the Administrative Districts of Municipalities with Authorised Municipal Authority
130054-24 Demographic Yearbook of the Administrative Districts of Municipalities with Extended Powers
130054-23 Demographic Yearbook of the Administrative Districts of Municipalities with Extended Powers
130053-24 Demografie, Review for Population Research
130053-23 Demografie, Review for Population Research
062023-24 Digital skills
063005-23 Digital Economy in Figures
063005-24 Digital Economy in Figures
063006-24 Digital Economy in Figures
063006-23 Digital Economy in Figures
050043-23 General government debt
050043-24 General government debt
190044-23 Do předčasného důchodu zamířil rekordní počet osob
990283-24 Volunteering in the Czech Republic
990284-24 Volunteering in the Czech Republic
170404-23 Commuting to work or school between municipalities
200072-23 Completed Dwellings
200072-24 Completed Dwellings
200068-24 Completed Dwellings in municipalities
200068-23 Completed Dwellings in municipalities
230086-24 Doktorandů je nejméně za posledních dvacet let
020023-24 Domestic and outbound tourism in the Czech Republic
020023-23 Domestic and outbound tourism in the Czech Republic
050151-23 Domácí a zahraniční poptávka byly v protikladu
284000-23 Domácnosti loni vodou šetřily, spotřeba v průmyslu naopak mírně vzrostla
050145-23 Domácnosti omezují výdaje
284001-24 Domácnosti vodou nadále šetří, v průmyslu její spotřeba mírně roste
030018-23 Transport - quarterly volume indicators
030018-24 Transport - quarterly volume indicators
030019-24 Transport - annual volume indicators
030019-23 Transport - annual volume indicators
230085-24 Dospělí se nejčastěji vzdělávají kvůli práci
170384-23 Two fifths of housekeeping households in Czechia represent single persons
042006-23 Economic Results of Financial Institutions (Banking and Non-banking)
042006-24 Economic Results of Financial Institutions (Banking and Non-banking)
042007-23 Economic Results of Insurance Companies, Pension Companies and Funds
042007-24 Economic Results of Insurance Companies, Pension Companies and Funds
150141-24 Economic Results of the Industry of the CR
150141-23 Economic Results of the Industry of the CR
200104-23 Economic Results of the Construction
200104-24 Economic Results of the Construction
025003-24 Ekonomický význam cestovního ruchu v regionech v roce 2022 vzrostl
025002-24 Ekonomika cestovního ruchu v roce 2022 znovu nabrala na síle
150143-24 Energy Intensity of Manufacture of Selected Products
150143-23 Energy Intensity of Manufacture of Selected Products
150181-23 Energetics - Energy balance of the Czech Republic
150181-24 Energetics - Energy balance of the Czech Republic
390001-24 Energetics - Fuel and energy consumption in households by end use
390001-23 Energetics - Fuel and energy consumption in households by end use
390005-23 Energie v infografice ČSÚ
340131-24 Eroregions in the Czech Republic
340131-23 Eroregions in the Czech Republic
110024-23 Registered Number of Employees and Their Wages
110024-24 Registered Number of Employees and Their Wages
110023-23 Registered Number of Employees and Their Wages in individual quarters, finalised data
110023-24 Registered Number of Employees and Their Wages in individual quarters, finalised data
160077-23 Household Finance and Consumption Survey
050045-23 Financial accounts for general government
050045-24 Financial accounts for general government
050044-23 Main Aggregates of General Government
050044-24 Main Aggregates of General Government
350004-23 Key macroeconomic indicators
350004-24 Key macroeconomic indicators
270230-23 Livestocks by regions
270230-24 Livestocks by regions
020064-24 Guests and overnight stays in hotels by country
020064-23 Guests and overnight stays in hotels by country
020063-24 Guests and overnight stays at collective accommodation establishments by country
020063-23 Guests and overnight stays at collective accommodation establishments by country
270133-23 Poultry Production
270133-24 Poultry Production
270136-23 Pig Production
270136-24 Pig Production
270135-24 Cattle Production
270135-23 Cattle Production
270275-24 I přes meziroční pokles sklizně většiny polních plodin nebyla jejich loňská úroda špatná
011038-24 Agricultural Input Price Indices
011038-23 Agricultural Input Price Indices
014008-23 Indices of offer price of dwelling.
014008-24 Indices of offer price of dwelling.
150196-24 Industrial production index
150196-23 Industrial production index
200075-23 Construction production index
200075-24 Construction production index
014005-24 House Price Index, Owner-Occupied Housing Price Index
014005-23 House Price Index, Owner-Occupied Housing Price Index
014017-24 Real Estate Price Indices
014017-23 Real Estate Price Indices
011044-23 Industrial Producer Price Indices
011044-24 Industrial Producer Price Indices
011043-24 Price indices of constructions according to CC only four-figure division (2015 average=100)
011043-23 Price indices of constructions according to CC only four-figure division (2015 average=100)
011041-23 Price indices of Construction works, price indices of Constructions and indices of Construction costs - quarterly time series
011041-24 Price indices of Construction works, price indices of Constructions and indices of Construction costs - quarterly time series
011046-24 Service Producer Prices in the Business Sphere 
011046-23 Service Producer Prices in the Business Sphere 
011036-23 Service Producer Prices in the Business Sphere 
011036-24 Service Producer Prices in the Business Sphere 
011035-23 Price indices in forestry (Raw Timber)
011035-24 Price indices in forestry (Raw Timber)
011047-24 Producer price indices
011047-23 Producer price indices
011042-24 Producer price indices (monthly)
011042-23 Producer price indices (monthly)
013014-24 International Trade in Goods Price Indices
013014-23 International Trade in Goods Price Indices
013012-24 International Trade in Goods Price Indices in the Czech Republic
013012-23 International Trade in Goods Price Indices in the Czech Republic
011045-23 Agricultural Producer Price Indices
011045-24 Agricultural Producer Price Indices
011033-24 Agricultural Producer Price Indices
011033-23 Agricultural Producer Price Indices
014007-24 Indices of realized flat prices
014007-23 Indices of realized flat prices
010022-24 Consumer Price Indices
010022-23 Consumer Price Indices
012024-24 Consumer price indices - inflation
012024-23 Consumer price indices - inflation
012022-23 Consumer Price Indices - Cost of Living (quarterly)
012022-24 Consumer Price Indices - Cost of Living (quarterly)
012021-23 Consumer Price Indices - Cost of Living (monthly)
012021-24 Consumer Price Indices - Cost of Living (monthly)
012019-24 Consumer Price Indices (Cost of Living) - Detailed Breakdown
012019-23 Consumer Price Indices (Cost of Living) - Detailed Breakdown
012018-24 Consumer Price Indices (Cost of Living) - Basic Breakdown
012018-23 Consumer Price Indices (Cost of Living) - Basic Breakdown
120016-23 Sales indices in retail trade
120016-24 Sales indices in retail trade
120035-23 Sales indices in Trade and Wholesale Trade
120035-24 Sales indices in Trade and Wholesale Trade
030030-24 Sales indices and production indices in services and retail trade
030030-23 Sales indices and production indices in services and retail trade
013013-23 International Trade in Goods Price Indices (monthly)
013013-24 International Trade in Goods Price Indices (monthly)
990280-24 Informační služby ČSÚ řeší i velmi neobvyklé dotazy
061004-24 Information Society in Figures
061004-23 Information Society in Figures
061005-23 Information Society in Figures
061005-24 Information Society in Figures
213003-24 Innovation activities of enterprises
270151-24 Integrated Farm Survey
270166-24 Integrated Farm Survey – Regions
100019-23 Intenzivní obnova lesů pokračovala i v loňském roce
062055-23 Internet se přesouvá na mobilní sítě a zrychluje
063020-23 Investice do ICT meziročně vzrostly o 44 miliard
024000-24 Jak Češi cestují, zjistí i letos tazatelé ČSÚ
130251-24 Jména Jakub a Eliška byla loni opět nejoblíbenější
100021-24 Kalamita v českých lesích je zatím na ústupu
020021-23 Capacity of collective accommodation establishments
020021-24 Capacity of collective accommodation establishments
020045-23 Capacity of collective accommodation establishments - lower geographical areas
020045-24 Capacity of collective accommodation establishments - lower geographical areas
020055-23 Capacity of collective accommodation establishments
020055-24 Capacity of collective accommodation establishments
062058-24 Každá třetí firma v Česku má cizojazyčný web
070013-24 Business cycle surveys
070008-23 Business cycle surveys
070013-23 Business cycle surveys
070008-24 Business cycle surveys
320201-24 Regions of the Czech Republic
320201-23 Regions of the Czech Republic
330269-23 Kraje pohledem statistiky
170407-23 Krajské analýzy výsledků Sčítání 2021
080009-23 Crime in the Czech Republic and the EU
094000-24 Kultura stále nedosahuje na předpandemická čísla
090028-23 Kulturní subjekty přišly během pandemie o 4 miliardy
110094-23 Kvalifikovaní cizinci přicházejí do Česka za vyššími mzdami
100004-23 Forestry
100004-24 Forestry
213002-24 Licenses for the use of outcomes of R&D
213002-23 Licenses for the use of outcomes of R&D
220173-23 People chose President of the Czech Republic in direct election already for the third time
130241-23 Loňskou úmrtnost ovlivnilo doznívání pandemie a vlna respiračních onemocnění koncem roku
120019-23 Retail trade
120019-24 Retail trade
320199-23 Small Lexicon of Municipalities of the Czech Republic
320199-24 Small Lexicon of Municipalities of the Czech Republic
110092-23 Medián mezd vloni meziročně stoupnul o více než šest procent
014020-23 Meziroční růst cen nemovitostí v roce 2022 zpomalil
130243-23 Migrační vlna loni zbrzdila stárnutí Česka
050156-24 Occasional revision of national accounts
250146-23 Rates of employment, unemployment and economic activity
250146-24 Rates of employment, unemployment and economic activity
050153-23 Množství dobrovolnické práce v neziskových institucích se v roce 2021 snížilo
020019-24 Tourism Employment Module
050144-23 Moravskoslezskému kraji v roce 2021 vzrostl HDP nejvíce ze všech regionů Česka
990271-23 Movember v infografice ČSÚ
230069-23 Teacher salaries in regional education
260034-24 Wages in healthcare
190045-24 Na neschopence bylo loni denně v průměru 218 tisíc osob
160078-23 Na výši čistého jmění domácností má největší vliv vlastnictví nemovitostí
990270-23 It is European Statistics Day on 20 October
130188-23 Life Expectancies by sex - annual TS
130188-24 Life Expectancy by sex - annual TS
280041-24 Environmental Protection Expenditure and Economic Benefit of these Activities
280041-23 Environmental Protection Expenditure and Economic Benefit of these Activities
020050-24 Guests at collective accommodation establishments
020050-23 Guests at collective accommodation establishments
020079-23 Guests at collective accommodation establishments in destination management areas by country
020079-24 Guests at collective accommodation establishments in destination management areas by country
020030-23 Guests at hotels
020030-24 Guests at hotels
020022-23 Guests at collective accommodation establishments
020022-24 Guests at collective accommodation establishments
020046-24 Guests at collective accommodation establishments - lower geographical areas
020046-23 Guests at collective accommodation establishments - lower geographical areas
320348-24 Nejzajímavější údaje o naší zemi přináší čtenářům Česko v číslech
270272-23 Několikaletý růst spotřeby potravin se vloni zastavil
990016-24 Newsletter
990016-23 Newsletter
050062-24 Notification of government deficit and debt
050062-23 Notification of government deficit and debt
226001-23 Nové obecní volby se v sobotu konaly v deseti obcích
050150-23 Novinky v publikování čtvrtletního odhadu HDP
330091-23 Municipalities of the Královéhradecký Region
330091-24 Municipalities of the Královéhradecký Region
321307-23 Municipalities of the Plzeňský region
242016-23 Obchodní výměna mezi Českem a Slovenskem je i po 30 letech velmi intenzivní
130071-24 Population - monthly TS
130071-23 Population - monthly TS
130070-23 Population - annual TS
130070-24 Population - annual TS
130051-23 Population of the Plzeňský Region
130051-24 Population of the Plzeňský Region
130181-24 Population by by sex and units of age
130181-23 Population by by sex and units of age
130142-24 Population by sex and five-year age groups
130142-23 Population by sex and five-year age groups
130149-24 Population by sex and basic age groups
130149-23 Population by sex and basic age groups
230080-23 Od roku 2012 klesá počet absolventů vysokých škol
270134-24 Harvest Estimates - Operative Report
270129-24 Harvest Estimates - Operative Report
270130-23 Harvest Estimates - Operative Report
270129-23 Harvest Estimates - Operative Report
270128-23 Harvest Estimates - Operative Report
270130-24 Harvest Estimates - Operative Report
270134-23 Harvest Estimates - Operative Report
270128-24 Harvest Estimates - Operative Report
270150-23 Harvest Estimates
270150-24 Harvest Estimates
213016-24 Protection of industrial property
990267-23 Omezení dostupnosti pevných telefonních linek v ČSÚ
270267-23 Osevní plochy ozimých plodin pro sklizeň v roce 2023
270274-24 Osevní plochy ozimých plodin pro sklizeň v roce 2024
270145-24 Areas under crops
270145-23 Areas under crops
270228-24 Sowing areas of agricultural crops by regions
270228-23 Sowing areas of agricultural crops by regions
140138-24 Otevřená data ROS
250191-23 Oznámení - Změna v metodách odhadu pracovních sil
050098-23 Pension entitlement
050098-24 Pension entitlement
990260-23 Planned outages of web presentations of the CZSO
080011-23 Po covidovém útlumu kriminalita v roce 2022 vzrostla
260040-23 Počet neschopenek zůstává i nadále vysoký
130072-24 Population of Municipalities
130072-23 Population of Municipalities
062059-24 Počet počítačů na školách vzrostl od roku 2019 o polovinu
170383-23 The number of working pensioners in Czechia has more than doubled in ten years
130247-23 Počet seniorů v příštích desetiletích výrazně vzroste
213014-23 Počet uznaných patentů byl loni rekordně nízký
130184-23 Number of deaths - weekly and monthly time series
130184-24 Number of deaths - weekly and monthly time series
140133-23 Number of economic entities by industry for administrative districts of Prague, municipalities with extended powers, municipalities and city districts and parts
140133-24 Number of economic entities by industry for administrative districts of Prague, municipalities with extended powers, municipalities and city districts and parts
140131-23 Number of economic entities by selected legal forms for administrative districts of Prague, municipalities with extended powers, municipalities and city districts and parts
140131-24 Number of economic entities by selected legal forms for administrative districts of Prague, municipalities with extended powers, municipalities and city districts and parts
213015-23 Podíl licencovaných patentů je v Česku stále nízký
050154-24 Podíl penzijních nároků na HDP se vrátil na předcovidovou úroveň
050146-23 Podíl penzijních závazků na HDP se mírně zvýšil
270276-24 Podnikatelský důchod zemědělců meziročně klesl
390007-23 Podniková spotřeba zemního plynu loni klesla téměř o pětinu
050099-23 Detailed list of taxes and social contributions
050099-24 Detailed list of taxes and social contributions
130141-23 Population change
130141-24 Population change
130080-24 Population change
130080-23 Population change
130061-24 Population Growth in Municipalities of the Jihočeský Region
130061-23 Population Growth in Municipalities of the Jihočeský Region
241048-23 Cross-border movements of goods by country
241048-24 Cross-border movements of goods by country
320347-23 Poptávka domácností na oživení zatím čeká
130245-23 Popularitě dětských jmen loni vévodili Jakub s Eliškou
270127-24 Livestock Slaughtering
270127-23 Livestock Slaughtering
330247-24 Comparison of Regions
330247-23 Comparison of Regions
011084-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Ceny energií očima statistiky
130244-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Dětská jména
990282-24 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Dětská jména
130246-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Kolik nás v budoucnu bude?
130237-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Obyvatelstvo České republiky v roce 2022
230082-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Ohlédnutí za školním rokem 2022/23
200105-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Stavebnictví v datech
420000-24 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Trh práce a mzdy
110093-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Trh práce a mzdy
227002-24 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Výsledky voleb do Evropského parlamentu v Česku
160080-24 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Životní podmínky českých domácností
160073-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: Životní podmínky 2022
040003-24 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: 20 let Česka v EU
242018-24 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: 20 let Česka v EU z pohledu zahraničního obchodu se zbožím
242015-23 Pozvánka na tiskovou konferenci: 30 let od rozdělení: zahraniční obchod se zbožím mezi Českem a Slovenskem
990154-23 Jobs in the CZSO
990154-24 Jobs in the CZSO
260017-23 Incapacity for Work due to Disease or Injury by districts and regions
260017-24 Incapacity for Work due to Disease or Injury by districts and regions
260004-23 Incapacity for Work due to Disease or Injury in the Czech Republic
260004-24 Incapacity for Work due to Disease or Injury in the Czech Republic
130238-23 Právě vyšlo nové číslo odborného recenzovaného časopisu Demografie – Demografie 1/2023
130250-24 Právě vyšlo nové číslo odborného recenzovaného časopisu Demografie – Demografie 1/2024
130240-23 Právě vyšlo nové číslo odborného recenzovaného časopisu Demografie – Demografie 2/2023
130242-23 Právě vyšlo nové číslo odborného recenzovaného časopisu Demografie – Demografie 3/2023
990258-23 New issue of Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal No. 1/2023 just published
990276-24 New issue of Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal No. 1/2024 just published
990263-23 New issue of Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal No. 2/2023 just published
990272-23 New issue of Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal No. 4/2023 just published
990266-23 New special joint Czech-Hungarian issue of Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal No. 3/2023 just published
280020-24 Generation, Recovery and Disposal of Waste
280020-23 Generation, Recovery and Disposal of Waste
130139-23 Population projection of the Czech Republic
130052-24 Population Projection for the Regions of the Czech Republic
050147-23 Propad spotřeby silně poznamenal loňský růst HDP
260037-23 Průměrná doba na neschopence loni opět klesla
110030-23 Average gross monthly wage per FTE person
110030-24 Average gross monthly wage per FTE person
110080-23 Average gross monthly wage and median of wages in regions
110080-24 Average gross monthly wage and median of wages in regions
011060-24 Average prices of agricultural products
011060-23 Average prices of agricultural products
110031-23 Average wages
110031-24 Average wages
150153-23 Industry
150153-24 Industry
150148-23 Industry - quarterly data
150148-24 Industry - quarterly data
150147-23 Industry - monthly data
150147-24 Industry - monthly data
150149-24 Industry - annual data
150149-23 Industry - annual data
220172-23 The first round of the election of the President saw record election turnout
270273-23 První odhad podnikatelského důchodu ze zemědělské činnosti za rok 2023
241052-24 Přebytek obchodní bilance se státy EU se za 20 let zčtyřnásobil
050055-23 GDP Preliminary Estimate
050055-24 GDP Preliminary Estimate
170388-23 Over three quarters of employed persons commute to work at least five times a week, most often by car
050046-23 General government revenue and expenditure
050046-24 General government revenue and expenditure
160021-23 Household Income and Living Conditions
160021-24 Household Income and Living Conditions
160081-24 Příjmy českých domácností reálně klesly
160061-24 Household income of employees and pensioners
160061-23 Household income of employees and pensioners
020068-24 Regional Tourism Satellite Account
020068-23 Regional Tourism Satellite Account
050040-23 Regional Accounts
050040-24 Regional Accounts
050101-23 Regional accounts of cohesion regions and regions
050101-24 Regional accounts of cohesion regions and regions
140134-23 Business register - open data
140134-24 Business register - open data
140137-24 Basic Register of Legal and Natural Persons - opendata
140136-24 Registration of businesses
140136-23 Registration of businesses
141001-23 RES nabízí nové možnosti využití dat
050042-24 Annual national accounts
050042-23 Annual national accounts
130239-23 Ročník narozených 2022 je nejslabší za posledních 18 let
170385-23 Families with economically dependent children represent almost a half of one-family households
390006-23 Rok 2021 se vyznačoval rekordní konečnou spotřebou paliv a energií
050148-23 Růst cen vloni ovlivnil všechny ekonomické sektory
270269-23 Růst ekonomického výsledku odvětví zemědělství pokračoval
160074-23 Růst příjmů domácností po zpomalení v roce 2020 opět nabral na rychlosti
020020-24 Tourism Satellite Account
050050-24 Satellite account of non-profit institutions
050050-23 Satellite account of non-profit institutions
050100-24 Satellite account of public sector
050100-23 Satellite account of public sector
990268-23 Sebevraždy v nové infografice ČSÚ
310034-23 Data of seniors in the Czech Republic
990274-24 Sídlo ČSÚ se dočkalo výrazné modernizace
030021-23 Road transport of goods by commodity
030021-24 Road transport of goods by commodity
270146-24 Harvest of crops
270146-23 Harvest of crops
270229-23 Harvest of crops by regions
270229-24 Harvest of crops by regions
180030-23 Services
180030-24 Services
180026-24 Services - Monthly Sales indices and Production indices
180026-23 Services - Monthly Sales indices and Production indices
062061-24 Služeb e-governmentu a elektronického zdravotnictví využívá stále více lidí
240046-23 Snižování administrativní zátěže v oblasti zahraničního obchodu pokračuje
270148-24 Economic Accounts for Agriculture
270148-23 Economic Accounts for Agriculture
270132-23 Economic Accounts for Agriculture - Definitive Results for 2021 and Semi-definitive Results for 2022
270132-24 Economic Accounts for Agriculture - Definitive Results for 2022 and Semi-definitive Results for 2023
270131-23 Economic Accounts for Agriculture - Preliminary Results
270131-24 Economic Accounts for Agriculture - Preliminary Results
270137-23 Economic Accounts for Agriculture in Regions - Definitive Results for 2021 and Semi-definitive Results for 2022
270137-24 Economic Accounts for Agriculture in Regions - Definitive Results for 2022 and Semi-definitive Results for 2023
270143-23 Areas under Crops Survey
270143-24 Areas under Crops Survey
150142-24 Fuel and Energy Consumption
150142-23 Fuel and Energy Consumption
270271-23 Food consumption
270139-23 Food Consumption
270139-24 Food Consumption
150185-24 Consumption of selected Petroleum Products and Natural Gas
150185-23 Consumption of selected Petroleum Products and Natural Gas
160066-24 Household Consumption Expenditures
160066-23 Household Consumption Expenditures
330244-24 Administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers
330244-23 Administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers
330274-24 Srovnání krajů Česka v jednom pohledu
330205-24 Comparison of Regions in the Czech Republic
330205-23 Comparison of Regions in the Czech Republic
062064-24 Startuje další ročník šetření o používání informačních technologií
160079-24 Startuje další ročník šetření Životní podmínky
340129-24 Statistical data for territorial analytical data
340129-23 Statistical data for territorial analytical data
320198-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic
320198-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic
330120-23 Statistical Yearbook of Prague
330120-24 Statistical Yearbook of Prague
330105-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Jihočeský Region
330105-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Jihočeský Region
330103-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Jihomoravský Region
330103-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Jihomoravský Region
330083-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Karlovarský Region
330083-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Karlovarský Region
330095-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Vysočina Region
330095-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Vysočina Region
330089-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Královéhradecký Region
330089-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Královéhradecký Region
330087-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Liberecký Region
330087-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Liberecký Region
330100-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Moravskoslezský Region
330100-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Moravskoslezský Region
330096-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Olomoucký Region
330096-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Olomoucký Region
330092-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Pardubický Region
330092-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Pardubický Region
330108-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Plzeňský Region
330108-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Plzeňský Region
330110-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Středočeský Region
330110-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Středočeský Region
330085-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Ústecký Region
330085-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Ústecký Region
330098-23 Statistical Yearbook of the Zlínský Region
330098-24 Statistical Yearbook of the Zlínský Region
330121-24 Statistical Bulletin - the Capital City of Prague
330121-23 Statistical Bulletin - the Capital City of Prague
330106-24 Statistical Bulletin - Jihočeský Region
330106-23 Statistical Bulletin - Jihočeský Region
330104-23 Statistical Bulletin - Jihomoravský Region
330104-24 Statistical Bulletin - Jihomoravský Region
330084-23 Statistical Bulletin - Karlovarský Region
330084-24 Statistical Bulletin - Karlovarský Region
330102-23 Statistical Bulletin - Vysočina Region
330102-24 Statistical Bulletin - Vysočina Region
330090-23 Statistical Bulletin - Královéhradecký Region
330090-24 Statistical Bulletin - Královéhradecký Region
330088-23 Statistical Bulletin - Liberecký Region
330088-24 Statistical Bulletin - Liberecký Region
330101-24 Statistical Bulletin - Moravskoslezský Region
330101-23 Statistical Bulletin - Moravskoslezský Region
330097-24 Statistical Bulletin - Olomoucký Region
330097-23 Statistical Bulletin - Olomoucký Region
330093-23 Statistical Bulletin - Pardubický Region
330093-24 Statistical Bulletin - Pardubický Region
330109-23 Statistical Bulletin - Plzeňský Region
330109-24 Statistical Bulletin - Plzeňský Region
330111-23 Statistical Bulletin - Středočeský Region
330111-24 Statistical Bulletin - Středočeský Region
330086-23 Statistical Bulletin - Ústecký Region
330086-24 Statistical Bulletin - Ústecký Region
330099-24 Statistical Bulletin - Zlínský Region
330099-23 Statistical Bulletin - Zlínský Region
170410-23 The Statistical Geoportal is also available in English
990262-23 Statistický geoportál přináší vizualizovaná data ČSÚ
990278-24 Statistický geoportál se stal IT projektem roku
990265-23 Statistický geoportál získal prestižní světové ocenění
330107-23 Statistical Guide to Municipalities of the Jihočeský Region
330107-24 Statistical Guide to Municipalities of the Jihočeský Region
142000-23 Business demography statistics
320197-24 Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal
320197-23 Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal
381000-24 Foreign affiliate statistics
381000-23 Foreign affiliate statistics
320185-24 Statistika&My
320185-23 Statistika&My
140070-23 Business register statistics
140070-24 Business register statistics
211001-23 Government Budget Allocations for R&D (GBARD)
211001-24 Government Budget Allocations for R&D (GBARD)
130062-24 Population of the Czech Republic
130062-23 Population of the Czech Republic
200077-24 Building permits
200077-23 Building permits
200028-24 Building Permits Granted and Housing Construction
200028-23 Building Permits Granted and Housing Construction
200030-24 Construction work "S"
200030-23 Construction work "S"
200027-23 Construction production and orders
200027-24 Construction production and orders
200106-23 Stavební produkce letos klesá
200076-23 Building orders
200076-24 Building orders
200035-24 Construction
200035-23 Construction
270147-23 Livestock
270147-24 Livestock
270268-23 Stavy skotu loni vzrostly, ubylo ale prasat i drůbeže
270248-23 Numbers of bovine animals and pigs
270248-24 Numbers of bovine animals and pigs
110026-24 Structure of Earnings Survey
110026-23 Structure of Earnings Survey
340132-24 The structure of the territory of the Czech Republic
340132-23 The structure of the territory of the Czech Republic
050054-23 General government expenditure by function
050054-24 General government expenditure by function
230061-24 Students and graduates of universities in the Czech Republic
230061-23 Students and graduates of universities in the Czech Republic
212032-23 University students in science, technology and ICT fields
012026-23 Average prices survey of selected products - fuels and oil products
012026-24 Average prices survey of selected products - fuels and oil products
012025-24 Average prices survey of selected products - food and beverages
012025-23 Average prices survey of selected products - food and beverages
230057-23 Schools and school facilities
230042-23 Schools and School Facilities
230057-24 Schools and school facilities
230042-24 Schools and School Facilities
250192-24 Tazatelé ČSÚ zjišťují situaci mladých lidí na trhu práce
990281-24 Tématem časopisu Statistika&My je cestovní ruch
100013-23 Timber harvesting by tree species and random extraction type
100013-24 Timber harvesting by tree species and random extraction type
250119-24 Labour Market (Regional Comparison)
250119-23 Labour Market (Regional Comparison)
250130-24 Labour Market in the Czech Republic - Time Series
250130-23 Labour Market in the Czech Republic - Time Series
250131-24 Labour Market in the Czech Republic - Time Series
250131-23 Labour Market in the Czech Republic - Time Series
050056-24 GDP Resources and Uses
050056-23 GDP Resources and Uses
050038-23 GDP resources and uses, employment
050038-24 GDP resources and uses, employment
230081-23 Učitelské mzdy vloni reálně poklesly
280023-24 Material flow accounts, (selected indicators)
280023-23 Material flow accounts, (selected indicators)
250169-23 Job applicants and share of unemployed persons by municipalities
250169-24 Job applicants and share of unemployed persons by municipalities
320202-23 Indicators of Social and Economic Development of the Czech Republic
320202-24 Indicators of Social and Economic Development of the Czech Republic
211002-23 Research and Development Indicators
211002-24 Research and Development Indicators
210014-24 Indicators of research and development
210014-23 Indicators of research and development
130236-23 Úmrtnost se loni vrátila na předpandemickou úroveň
130063-24 Life Tables
130063-23 Life Tables
130140-23 Life Tables - Open Data
130140-24 Life Tables - Open Data
990275-24 Únorové vydání časopisu Statistika&My se zaměřilo na zdraví
110027-24 Labour Costs
110027-23 Labour Costs
110032-23 Labour Costs – definitive data
110032-24 Labour Costs – definitive data
990235-24 CZSO Official Notice Board
990235-23 CZSO Official Notice Board
170405-23 Territorial profiles from Population and Housing Census
990279-24 V Česku bylo nejméně patentových přihlášek od roku 1995
062057-23 V Česku používá chytré telefony již 82 % osob
100020-23 V minulé lovecké sezoně opět padaly rekordy
226003-24 V osmi obcích si v sobotu volili nové zastupitele
226000-23 V osmi obcích v sobotu volili nová zastupitelstva
080010-23 V roce 2021 byla kriminalita nejnižší za 10 let
050152-23 V 1. čtvrtletí oslabovala spotřební i investiční poptávka
220175-23 V 33 obcích zvolili v sobotu nová zastupitelstva
230083-23 Ve školství se projevil příliv dětí z Ukrajiny
320345-23 Ve 2. čtvrtletí došlo k oživení spotřeby domácností
130060-23 Age Distribution and Population Growth in the Jihočeský Region
130060-24 Age Distribution and Population Growth in the Jihočeský Region
130059-23 Age Distribution and Population Growth in the Jihomoravský Region
130064-23 Age Structure of the Population
130064-24 Age Structure of the Population
340130-24 Size groups of municipalities
340130-23 Size groups of municipalities
290046-23 Většinu cizinců pobývajících v Česku tvořili Ukrajinci
062056-23 Více než polovina podniků má účet na sociálních sítích
280021-24 Water Supply Systems, Sewerage and Watercourses
280021-23 Water Supply Systems, Sewerage and Watercourses
220162-23 Election of the President of the Czech Republic
220086-23 Election of the President of the Czech Republic
220022-24 Elections to the European Parliament
220028-24 Elections to the European Parliament
220026-24 Elections to the Senate
220052-24 Elections to the Senate
220051-24 Elections to regional councils
220034-23 Local Council Election - Part I
220035-23 Local Council Election - Part II
220053-24 Voters, election turnout, votes
220053-23 Voters, election turnout, votes
320349-24 Vstup do Evropské unie proměnil Česko
060003-23 ICT in Households
060003-24 ICT in Households
120018-24 Selected financial indicators (annually) on trade
120018-23 Selected financial indicators (annually) on trade
150207-24 Selected financial indicators (annually) on industry
150207-23 Selected financial indicators (annually) on industry
180028-23 Selected economic indicators (annual) in services
180028-24 Selected economic indicators (annual) in services
190029-24 Selected Social Security Data
190029-23 Selected Social Security Data
280022-23 Environmental Protection Expenditure
280022-24 Environmental Protection Expenditure
212035-23 Výdaje na výzkum ze státního rozpočtu stagnují
260041-24 Health care expenditure in the Czech Republic
063019-23 Výdělky ICT odborníků vloni vzrostly o desetinu
270169-24 Meat Production and Milk Collection
270169-23 Meat Production and Milk Collection
270243-24 Production of livestock for slaughter
270243-23 Production of livestock for slaughter
150140-23 Production of Selected Industrial Products
150140-24 Production of Selected Industrial Products
150206-24 Production of Selected Industrial Products: Preliminary data in Eurostat structure
150206-23 Production of Selected Industrial Products: Preliminary data in Eurostat structure
227001-24 Výsledky evropských voleb oznámí ČSÚ 9. června večer
170359-23 Census results 2021 - open data
170408-23 Výsledky Sčítání 2021 jsou doplněny o nové kombinace charakteristik
090005-23 Culture account results for the year
090005-24 Culture account results for the year
260005-23 Health Accounts of the Czech Republic
212033-23 Vysokoškolští studenti technických oborů ubývají
141002-23 Výstupy z RES poskytnou i údaje o hlavní ekonomické činnosti ekonomických subjektů
300011-23 Vyšla nová ročenka genderových statistik
280050-24 Vyšla nová Zpráva o kvalitě života a její udržitelnosti, na které ČSÚ spolupracoval
320346-23 Statistical Yearbook - 2023 released
130248-23 Vyšlo nové číslo odborného recenzovaného časopisu Demografie – Demografie 4/2023
062004-23 Use of ICT in Households and by Individuals
062004-24 Use of ICT in Households and by Individuals
062005-23 ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises
062005-24 ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises
110028-24 The development of the Czech labour market
110028-23 The development of the Czech labour market
320193-24 The Czech Economy Development
320193-23 The Czech Economy Development
320194-24 The Czech Economy Development
320194-23 The Czech Economy Development
011040-23 Producer price indices
011040-24 Producer price indices
013011-24 Development of International Trade in Goods Price Indices
013011-23 Development of International Trade in Goods Price Indices
012020-23 Analysis - Consumer price indices
012020-24 Analysis - Consumer price indices
130069-24 Population Trends in the Czech Republic
130069-23 Population Trends in the Czech Republic
212034-23 Výzkum a vývoj táhnou podniky
230053-24 Adult Education in the Czech Republic (AES)
230052-23 Education of Employees
242008-23 International trade in goods (change of ownership) of the Czech Republic - annual data
242008-24 International trade in goods (change of ownership) of the Czech Republic - annual data
241014-23 International trade in goods (change of ownership) of the Czech Republic by CZ-CPA - quarterly data
241014-24 International trade in goods (change of ownership) of the Czech Republic by CZ-CPA - quarterly data
241018-23 International trade in goods (change of ownership)
241018-24 International trade in goods (change of ownership)
242002-23 International trade in goods (change of ownership)
242002-24 International trade in goods (change of ownership)
242010-23 International trade in goods (change of ownership) by country
242010-24 International trade in goods (change of ownership) by country
330124-23 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Karlovarský Region
330124-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Karlovarský Region
330131-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Královéhradecký Region
330130-23 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Pardubický Region
330130-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Pardubický Region
330133-23 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Plzeňský Region
330133-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Plzeňský Region
330127-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Jihočeský Region
330128-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Jihomoravský Region
330132-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Vysočina Region
330243-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Liberecký Region
330134-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Moravskoslezský Region
330135-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Olomoucký Region
330126-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Středočeský Region
330006-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Ústecký Region
330129-24 Main trends of demographic, social and economic development of the Zlínský Region
100005-23 Basic Data on Hunting Grounds, Game Stock and Hunting
100005-24 Basic Data on Hunting Grounds, Game Stock and Hunting
220050-24 Basic information on the dates of elections and election turnout
220050-23 Basic information on the dates of elections and election turnout
170386-23 Basic data about commuting to work and to school
050111-23 Basic Indicators of National Accounts
050111-24 Basic Indicators of National Accounts
170389-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Czech Republic
170390-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - the capital of Prague
170391-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Jihočeský Region
170392-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Jihomoravský Region
170393-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Karlovarský Region
170394-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Region Vysočina
170395-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Královéhradecký Region
170396-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Liberecký Region
170397-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Moravskoslezský Region
170398-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Olomoucký Region
170399-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Pardubický Region
170400-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Plzeňský Region
170401-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Středočeský Region
170402-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Ústecký Region
170403-23 Basic results of the Population and Housing Census - Zlínský Region
170406-23 Základní výsledky Sčítání 2021 nově v souhrnných publikacích
110079-24 Employees and Average gross monthly wages by CZ-NACE activity
110079-23 Employees and Average gross monthly wages by CZ-NACE activity
250180-24 Employment and Unemployment by results of the Labour Force Sample Survey for regions
250180-23 Employment and Unemployment by results of the Labour Force Sample Survey for regions
250145-23 Employment and unemployment as measured by the LFS
250145-24 Employment and unemployment as measured by the LFS
250128-23 Employment and Unemployment as Measured by the Labour Force Survey - quarterly data
250128-24 Employment and Unemployment as Measured by the Labour Force Survey - quarterly data
250129-23 Employment and Unemployment as Measured by the Labour Force Survey - quarterly data
250129-24 Employment and Unemployment as Measured by the Labour Force Survey - quarterly data
250132-24 Employment and Unemployment as measured by Labour Force Survey - annual averages
250132-23 Employment and Unemployment as measured by Labour Force Survey - annual averages
250133-23 Employment and Unemployment as Measured by Labour Force Survey - annual averages
250133-24 Employment and Unemployment as Measured by Labour Force Survey - annual averages
300002-23 Focus on Women and Men
190037-23 Social Services Facilities by municipalities
190037-24 Social Services Facilities by municipalities
260039-23 Zdravotní péče v roce 2021 vyšla na 55 tisíc korun na jednoho obyvatele
130143-24 Deaths by Cause and Sex in the Czech Republic, regions and districts
130143-23 Deaths by Cause and Sex in the Czech Republic, regions and districts
130065-24 Deaths by Cause, Sex and Age in the Czechia and its Regions
130065-23 Deaths by Cause, Sex and Age in the Czechia and its Regions
130185-23 Deaths by age groups - weekly and monthly data
130185-24 Deaths by age groups - weekly and monthly data
130216-24 Deaths by the abbreviated List of Causes of Death in the Czech Republic and its Regions, half-yearly data
130216-23 Deaths by the abbreviated List of Causes of Death in the Czech Republic and its Regions, half-yearly data
130206-23 Deaths by the abbreviated List of Causes of Death in the Czech Republic and its Regions and Districts
130206-24 Deaths by the abbreviated List of Causes of Death in the Czech Republic and its Regions and Districts
990259-23 Známe nejlepší statistické plakáty roku 2023
990256-23 Zneužití jména Českého statistického úřadu v souvislosti s údajným průzkumem
230084-23 Pupils and graduates of secondary schools according to permanent residence
062053-23 Digitalization by gender
062054-23 Digitalization by gender
270149-23 Animal Production
270149-24 Animal Production
270144-23 Animal Production
270144-24 Animal Production
290026-24 Life of Foreigners in the Czech Republic
290026-23 Life of Foreigners in the Czech Republic
062051-23 3D tisk proniká do průmyslu i do dalších oborů